How did you call your teacher

December 12, 2011 8:31am CST
Hi all, I come from a country that English is not the mother or second language. During my college time, we, students, often call our instructors "teacher". In our language, we call a teacher by the word "teacher". Did you get what I mean? For example, when we talk to a teacher: -Teacher, how are you today? However, I found that people, who use English as first or second language, don't use that word the way as we use. Could you tell me? Where are you from? How do you call a teacher when talking to he/she in English?
5 responses
@maximax8 (31053)
• United Kingdom
12 Dec 11
I live in my home country and my mother tongue language is English. During my school years we addressed teachers with Mr..., Mrs... and Miss... depending on his or her title. When I went to college we addressed our tutors with their first name for example John the English lecturer.
• Vietnam
13 Dec 11
Oh, so I think that way will make the conversation between tutors and students more friendly and comfortable. Is it true?
@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
12 Dec 11
English is our secondary language here in philippines,and we call our male and female teacher sir and ma'am respectively.:) Sometimes we also link the words sir or ma'am with their names to make the conversation more intimate.Example is ''Sir John,what are you doing?'' or stuff like that. What is your country?
• Vietnam
13 Dec 11
My country is Vietnam ^^
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
12 Dec 11
i think in our conversation when call teacher is teacher.. no doubt about it by the way iam from indonesia what about you??
• Vietnam
13 Dec 11
I'm from Vietnam, thanks for response ^^
@davaome (1826)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
I call my teacher "teacher as well". But that was back in high school, during college, I would use "Mr., Ms. Mrs., Ma'am and Sir" I am from Philippines
• India
20 Dec 11
Here in India we use words sir or mam to call a teacher. Teacher sounds a bit odd here. But a teacher and his thought will remain same everywhere in the whole world, the'll always help you.