To chuck in the bin or to modify?That is the question

@Jphunk (72)
South Africa
December 16, 2011 1:37pm CST
We all have a favourite garment or torned up jeans that we just don't want to let go of.I'm an old jeans collector, i still have outdated demin designs stashed somewhere in my wardrobe.Obviously it won't fit anymore so i came up with a funky pimp up my pairs that i love to wear. I take an ancient jeans, remove it's pockets, buttons, zippers and beltstraps and sow them onto another one anywhere i want to.So why throw away your fave jeans just because it's a little ripped hehe
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@lilaclady (28207)
• Australia
16 Dec 11
I have a few old t shirts I cant throw out, if you feel comfortable in something and you like it so much you should never chuck it out, I would never chuck something out that I like it that much.