A boyfriend who is always busy.

@jadoixa (1166)
December 19, 2011 7:45pm CST
if you are the girlfriend of someone, what would you do if your boyfriend is always busy at work and hardly have time for you..would you understand that he is just a hardworking person and just leave it like that and talk only when he is free and has time for you or would you get fed up and end the relationship and look for another one? what would be your feelings and what would you do?
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26 responses
22 Jan 12
when i still in a date with my husband i also feel like you. my hubby is a workaholic. he works from monday till sunday, from morning till late of night. moreover we had a long distance relationship. it's very hard because we have limited time to talk. but i try to trust him and keep in touch by sending message. in other time he also try hard to visit me if he has a free time. if your bf do some worthy for his life then why not? just keep in touch with him. as long as he care with you i believe he always remember you and care with you. do not worry :)
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
22 Jan 12
wow..it means you are rare and lucky.. why??because most of the long distance relationship is ended with a unhappy ending when they decide for stopping their relationship.. tell me the recipe nonik, how you and your husband now keep and believe each other even you and him is not in same place??
20 Dec 11
i hope my boyfriend are not too busy ,at least he was free when i was free.in this case ,we can stay with each other and do something both of us like ,then our relationship will be better.if he is busy ,i hope he can spare more time to date with me.if he really has no time ,i think i probably end up our relationship.premise is we have no emotional foundation.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
i really want to spend more time but his job makes him too busy...nowadays i haven't heard from him..so i think about this thing...
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
if he is doing something worthwhile, then i would understand him. if he has work, then i would accept him. some people pretend to be busy but they are busy with nothing worthwhile. if your boyfriend is doing something noble and meaningful, try to understand him. try to talk to him to manage his own time. but don't make him choose. that's very important.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
thank you for your response..yes, he is really busy with work..i guess i will have to be more patient and understand him on this,..
@kingparker (9673)
• United States
20 Dec 11
If he is careless about you, you should consider leave him or talk to him before leave him. If that is his job requirement, and he really needs to dedicate to his job, you should understand it before you engage fully to this relationship. Otherwise, you should talk to him how to share the time. Nonetheless, he rather choose his career, than a relationship?
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
yes..he knows he can be really busy with his job but he still choose to enter a relationship..sometimes, i think about it but when he has time, he tries to make up for it too..he is really a good person but just busy with a lot of things...i try to be patient and understanding but if he cannot find anymore time for talk then i don't know anymore...
• United States
20 Dec 11
My boyfriend is kind of like this, he has to work 2 jobs because his dad makes him. He can usually talk to me on the phone at his one job so it's not so bad. But sometimes he'll have to work both jobs in one day and I don't really get the chance to see him. So we usually take any opportunity we can get, even if it means just relaxing with him for an hour or two when he gets home from work before he has to go to his next job. But a few times a week he'll have off from both jobs and that's when we really take advantage of the day and spend a lot of time together. It can get frustrating, but he's worth it in the end so sometimes I don't mind waiting around while he's working.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
yes i really want to spend more time, but nowadays i haven't heard from him..too busy with work but when he has time, he really talks and makes up for it too..
@jkct02 (2874)
• Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
20 Dec 11
If he is already a boyfriend, it means that the two of them have already been together for sometime. The girlfriend should know what kind of her boyfriend is. If he is really busy in his work, as his girlfriend, she should understand. And she should be grateful that her boyfriend is working hard to make sure that their future is secured. As for the lack of time the two of them can spend together, it is unlikely that her boyfriend works 24 hours a day and 7 days a week. There must be some free times and it is a fact that he has to eat and sleep too. If he is already a boyfriend, it means both of them love each other. To let go someone she loves just because he is working hard? I can't see the logic. In that case, I think it is better for the boyfriend as such inconsiderate girlfriend will never make a good life partner anyway.
@jadoixa (1166)
• Philippines
21 Dec 11
he told me he is working hard for a good future for us..nowadays, we haven't talked but when he has time, he talks and makes up for it too..i try to be patient and understanding but when you can't talk for a long time then sometimes you think about these things...
@LittleMel (8742)
• Canada
23 Mar 12
it depends whether I trust him or not if I do, I don't mind he can take as much time as he wants if I don't trust him, I will drop it and find another person or just stay single until I am ready for a new one as a gf you know how he is, you will feel it when he isn't being truthful if you ever have that nagging doubts about him, do your best to find out maybe through friends ? do you know anyone he works with ?
@annierose (21376)
• Philippines
29 Apr 12
I had experience having a boyfriend who is workaholic. I talk with him seriously. He is a mature guy and since I am busy too, we just agreed on the date and time where both of us can talk with each other. If one of us cannot do it, we will just send email to one another. If ever your boyfriend cannot give you even a little of his time and always have excuses, you must start investigating. A man who really loves you will find ways just to be with you.
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
13 Mar 12
Better to investigate the whole thing before you think negative with your boyfriend. There might be reason why he is always busy because he can't do that without any reason... Talk to him about it and why he always that busy and have no time with your relationship. Because that is always the alibi I think there's no need the relationship to be continued? Love should always a time of perseverance and affection not alibi. If he really loves you, he should do more to please you and not making himself to be center of jealousy...
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
22 Jan 12
before you date with him, and accept him as your boyfriend, you should search what is your boyfriend activities.. i adnit that you had known your boyfriend activities.. do you think he is not alone when he only work and work??sometimes he need your smile too, your encouragement too when he is down, but he is only employee and maybe had no power to do like he what in his office.. try to understand and believe him, is the best way for make your relationship will be longer and longer
• China
8 May 12
To be a man, his work is important and someone who is busy at his work is doing his career. It is certain that he is a hardworking person,though. Nothing is important for a real life. what is a real life ? I think you know it.
@bubuth (1815)
• Philippines
4 Mar 12
I think you just should understand your boyfriend that he is too busy on his work so he can't give much more time for you. I think all of guy is busy when it comes to work and i think you should be proud of him because he is hard working person and in the future if he is the guy that you will live together forever you will have a good and better life because he is hardworking. Relationships not only need time but also understanding.
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
Duh! Looking for another guy would be stupid, stupid, stupid. Only stupid girlfriends and unfaithful girlfriends would do that. Of course times like that would come and really all we can do is wait for him to be available and keep ourselves preoccupied with other things. LOL, we women ought not to rely on men for company just to make up for another one's absence. This action is very very stupid and annoying to me. Anyone who does this is not worthy having a relationship with. Anyway, there are other people we can socialize with other than our boyfriends and it's pretty good to use this time to socialize more. We would have to understand our boyfriend, it's not always about us. He has his own responsibilities to think about so let's let him do what he has to do. But in the meantime, we keep ourselves busy with things and tasks that we need to do as well.
24 Mar 12
if it's affecting your relationship with him, then try to discuss this issue with him. it's not a good idea to end a relationship with a simple matter. if he still spends time with you even if he's busy, it's a sign that he's not taking you for granted. on the other hand, if his work becomes his girlfriend then move on girl. you wouldn't to become the third party between him and his work.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
21 Dec 11
It is hard to say. But I will feel ignored if my boyfriend is too busy to give me some time. There is a famous quote: Even if Obama has a family. That means to say that as a busy man like Obama, he will also spend some time with his family. So who can say that he doesn't have enough time to share a little with his girl friend. If he loves her, he always can find and squeeze the time. Sometimes being busy is just an excuse. I love China
@GemmaR (8517)
20 Dec 11
I think that it is really hard if you're going out with a hardworking person, and I have to admit that I am the one who is always busy in my relationship. It is hard, because I have to work this hard so that I can earn enough money to keep things going for us, however the only thing is that he gets incredibly uptight about it when I have to call off a night out because I am behind schedule with my work and things like that. But I think that deep down he understands that I am doing all of this for the good of our future, and so that we will be able to buy our own house when we are in a position to do so.
@jaiho2009 (39142)
• Philippines
20 Dec 11
He might be very busy so it's fine. But,if he is only using it as an alibi- well,I will never hesitate to break it off with him. The best thing to do is check his activities if you are suspecting of something fishy going around.
• China
21 Dec 11
It seems that I met a same problem with u, my boyfriend is very busy, the longest time we did not see each other is almost 20days We knew each about half of an year but really have enough time for us to meet, I sometimes write Email To him and call him, we quarreled before because he did not have enough time for me but finally he explained well and makd me sure He still like me. Actually boys are do care if their have time for their girls but sometimes they cannot contral everything If u pretty sure he cares about u so just be patient and talk to him first,it doesn matter
• China
21 Dec 11
It seems that I met a same problem with u, my boyfriend is very busy, the longest time we did not see each other is almost 20days We knew each about half of an year but really have enough time for us to meet, I sometimes write Email To him and call him, we quarreled before because he did not have enough time for me but finally he explained well and makd me sure He still like me. Actually boys are do care if their have time for their girls but sometimes they cannot contral everything If u pretty sure he cares about u so just be patient and talk to him first,it doesn matter
@zaahro (748)
• Indonesia
22 Jan 12
Hii jadoixa...:) Woww... such a bored relationship eh ? I don't know, once I had that relationship because he was joining army. But I was always waiting for him. but when he came back, I feel bored with him, I was trying to keep the relationship but at last I gave up and I ended it, peacefuly of course. Sometime we can be patient but we have a time when we are at the end of our patience :). May be I am not the kind of girl for that kind relationship :D