What would you do if your humor fails???

@chandu95 (242)
December 22, 2011 1:26am CST
Today,when i was in class,one of my friends were trying to make a joke and blurted it out thinking everyone is gonna laugh..but no one did and he was totally humiliated... I just hate when that happens...When someone tries to make a joke thinking that it would suit that condition and starts laughing at that joke and then nobody even cares to even smile about it that person is sure to get humiliated... Have you ever found yourselves in that condition??? What would you do if you were that guy??? Put some thoughts into this one...I don't want to feel the same if it happens to me...
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10 responses
@_crystal (28)
• China
22 Dec 11
when it comes to me, i will go with another topic about something else, and never joke again for the moment. it`s really embarrassing when you think they would laugh badly while they dont.
• India
22 Dec 11
Yes it is good idea , just change the topic that's all is needed.
@chandu95 (242)
• India
23 Dec 11
Well maybe..But some people actually use that situation to embarrass you further...lol..(i do that all the time..) A change of topic is surely a way to hide your shame for the moment...
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
23 Dec 11
Nope. I'm not the loud joker type, I'm more like the sarcastic side-commenter. LOL, I don't get humiliated whenever someone doesn't laugh at those, because those comments of mine were true and funny, and I enjoy saying them to anyone who is willing to hear.
@chandu95 (242)
• India
27 Dec 11
Well that surely avoids a lot of humorous moments..You gotta share some of those joke with people around you and make it go big....It improves your status...
@Triple0 (1904)
• Australia
22 Dec 11
I hate it when that happens! So I try to throw out a joke which I'm really confident which will make people laugh. I don't like the awkwardness of flipping out a joke and no one even bothers to take notice or even snicker, that's so shameful! Now if I was in a close bunch of friends then I might just flip out a nice joke and they'll laugh, if not I don't mind because I'm close to them. Now doing that to a whole class of people who you might know a little is just too humiliating. I would never flip out a joke to a whole crowd of people, especially people I don't know, that's even worse! I know a few people who are very confident in their jokes and they always make people laugh. I envy those people, I wonder how they do it! I have a friend who every time makes a joke but no one laughs, she stops smiling and gets all sad and says "Fine don't laugh", it saves her shame But really, if I was in your friend's situation I would blush in embarrassment and hide. I wouldn't know how to make it up to everyone and to myself, I don't want to risk another bad joke.
@chandu95 (242)
• India
22 Dec 11
Making a joke is a pretty risky thing when you do it in front of many unfamiliar faces... But close friends are okay..they might probably just mock you for a minute and then move on..I do know lots of people that can make us all laugh for a lot of time and on the contrary, there are others who try hard but never gets there... I have always wanted to be of the 1st type(Anyone would right??).. You friend sure knows how to handle herself in situations like that... Besides i try to look at these incidents as experiences to look upto before i make another joke...
@mohkanari (1957)
• India
22 Dec 11
Before making a joke, we should consider tho mood of persons there. They should be in mood to enjoy some wits. Further, I always try to make a joke, as if it isn't attempt to make a joke. If others felt the humour they enjoy it, on other hand we can remain calm, understanding our joke failed to bring the result.
@chandu95 (242)
• India
23 Dec 11
The thing is I cannot be calm lol...I just go 'ooh that didn't work' and feel humiliated like my friend that i mentioned... but you have a point when you said that we must consider the mood of the persoons present...
• India
22 Dec 11
Hello chandu95, as you are from kerala. I could say that there are lots of such situations in Malayalam movies, especially buy the new comers like Suraj . Don't you feel so . It is new mode to make the viewers smile. Anyway I have many similar situations even in my home .
@chandu95 (242)
• India
23 Dec 11
Athe Cutta...The new guys are really rocking ..It surely works...but i think you are moving away from the topic here...Maybe you should consider reading it and post again...
@squallming (1775)
• Malaysia
22 Dec 11
I must say that humor does not appear naturally to everybody. At times we want to make jokes to impress someone, to lighten up the atmosphere etc. We have to know how to joke according to the context. Of course, in order for you to be able to pull out from being humiliated after a fail attempt at joke, you must always make sure that you don't laugh before your audience laugh. If they laugh that means your jokes work so you can laugh as well, However, if they don't laugh and you didn't laugh as well, you will have the chance to pull out from the jokes, meaning that you can pretend that you were not joking.
@chandu95 (242)
• India
23 Dec 11
Even if they don't laugh at my joke,they are still gonna know that i tried to make a joke that did not go well.... This is pretty funny when our teacher tries to make a joke and no one laughs... Well it is incidents like this that later help us to judge the situation better ..whether it is a good time or not to make a joke depends on the condition of the maker and the listener...
@06MLam (620)
22 Dec 11
This sometimes happens to me and I just pretend I am not talking in a humorous way and move on in the conversation and try to make another joke.
@francesca5 (1344)
22 Dec 11
well i'm female not male, and making jokes that make women laugh, when you are a woman is quite hard, as you can't make fun of them in the same way as you can a man, teasing is not an option, so the danger of the joke falling flat is always there. but my advice would be to just make a joke of the joke, and laugh it off with another joke. but don't see it as a failure see it as a useful learning experience, as a joke is always about gauging how an audience will react prior to the joke, and that's quite a difficult skill to learn, and if you always stay on safe ground, like bulling, by chosing someone to pick on, and always making fun of them, then thats easy, but cruel. so to make a good joke requires being prepared to take a risk, and so its bound to go wrong sometimes. so just deal with it by reminding yourself that you didn't chose the easy option of being a bully.
• India
27 Dec 11
thats because he said the lamest joke ever.....nothing to fuss bout...lolz
@ShunVeni (28)
17 Nov 12
Well..sometimes, I tell jokes to my classmates when i think they are in the mood to laugh XD I also don't like to humiliate myself..but i can't stop the moment when it actually happened to me..XD well I just laugh at my own joke although it kinda awkward, I laugh hard until they ask me why? then I'll tell the joke again then finally, they laugh..XD I guess I saved myself from that embarrassing moment ..^^