How much is 200MB?

United States
December 30, 2011 10:27pm CST
I got a new iphone for Christmas and being the cheap person I am, I opted to have the 200 MB data plan. I don't really know what I can do with 200 MB, like how many youtube videos can I watch, how often can I go online, etc. Can anyone tell me about what 200 MB is good for?
3 responses
• India
31 Dec 11
200 mb is kinda big... you can watch like 150 videos or something.... is it a monthly plan? if your a 24/7 internet will find it insufficient for a month... but i dun think it will be much of a problem... you can go online for a very long time....
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
31 Dec 11
Once you start using your new iphone you will find things to use it for. Please let us know what you find. I don't have one and am curious to know. I do know we download lots of things and 200MB is not much if you use it heavily.
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
31 Dec 11
There is no really definitive answer to this. YouTube videos vary in quality (not to mention length) and the amount of data per minute depends greatly on that. I have found several answers which suggest that a 10 minute video should require between 20 and 30Mb of data. That would suggest that you might be able to watch about an hour of video - not very much over a month. You should not forget, too, that many apps will use some bandwidth without you realising, especially if they download updates, and that just accessing the web for email, searches and browsing may use more than you expect. Keep a very strict check on your data usage. If you go over your 200Mb limit, you will find yourself paying an unexpectedly large bill at the end of the month!