FOREX Trading in the new year

Sri Lanka
December 31, 2011 2:29pm CST
How should forex trading be done in the new year? I mean for a retail short term trading beginner like me? What would be the precautions? and tips as well. Is there anything particular about the beginning of the year? because I'm hoping to invest right away in the beginning of the year. Let me know the well known theories about this matter and your experiences and opinions as well thanks!
2 responses
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
1 Jan 12
I don't think anything will change except the market values. After the new year, I think the tourists will be returning to their home countries in large numbers and this ought to alter the market. So watch it carefully. I personally don't know much about ForEx. But I know for a reason that a currency, that has high value in your country all year around should be chosen. All the best for the new year.
@deadbeat (82)
• United States
1 Jan 12
I think the market is still to risky for FOREX, I've read a lot of people have lost a boatload of money trying to make money. Sorry this is something I would stay away from without the solid advice of people who have had considerable success. And a forum like this you might get some good advice, however, I have to say you are not going to find the advice you really need for trading like that.