Children and smoking

January 1, 2012 1:25pm CST
In the nowadays world not only more and more adults reach to cigarettes but many teenagers start smoking and become serious addicts before reaching even 16. You can find many figures on the internet about this and they're really sad to look at. You, as a parent have your child in danger. What do/would you do to prevent your son/daughter become a smoker? What would you do if you got to know that your child is already addicted to cigs? Is there even anything you can do about it?
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9 responses
@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
1 Jan 12
This is one of the scariest moment of parenting. When kid/s turns bad or being influenced by their environment/friends. I am no sure what to do if this will happen to my kid/s. I have 3 teens and growing up is hard to deal. I just wish they will listen to me and will never depart from the good ways that I am always telling them to follow.
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@Queen_11 (307)
• Philippines
2 Jan 12
I am not a smoker and so is my wife and I think that is one of the best examples that we can give to our children. We'll also make sure that we always advise them of the harms that smoking can do to their health as well as to others. I'll be very offended if any of my children will start smoking. If they do become addicted to it, I'll lessen their school budget :) If his/her friends are smoking, I'll also encourage them to quit.
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• Hungary
3 Jan 12
Lessening school budget might seem to be a good idea at first but trust me, if they really want to buy something they'll get the money from somewhere or somebody.
@Pose123 (21635)
• Canada
1 Jan 12
Hi Tibor, As you say, smoking has become a serious problem for many children today. My only advice is the same as that for all issues involved with raising children. From the very beginning establish a good relationship with the child. Never lie to him or her and let them know that you love them and that they can trust you to be fair and honest with them. It is also very important that you let the child know that you trust him/her as well. In such a relationship, it is easy to discuss such things as smoking and the dangers involved, also the child will trust your advice. If the child is older and already addicted, it may be more difficult, but it's always best not to become angry or to constantly lecture her/him. This does very little good, in fact usually causes a bigger rift between the parent and the child. The changes are he/she already knows the dangers, but the parent and child should still have a discussion about it. It might be best to leave him/her with the impression that you feel they will decide to quit on their own. Do not continue to badger them about it, and they will respect you for it. Blessings.
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• Jordan
2 Jan 12
I can relate to this topic very much because I have witnessed my friends turn into smokers with time. While being pretty young, about 16 and 17 years old, I thought they were just destroying their lives. They, however, have always claimed that they could stop anytime. I don't think that's true, but I'll just leave them alone for now as I've tried to warn them before and they didn't listen. Personally, the only things I would try doing to stop anyone from doing anything bad is advising them, if they didn't take my advise then it's not really my problem then. Anyways, have a nice day and happy myLotting!
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• Hungary
3 Jan 12
I always kept saying the same thing - I can quit whenever I want, it's easy. Well, I was wrong and it's way harder than I expected. You have to try quitting until you are not that addicted to it. Once you are, you are screwed and quitting will come with many difficulties.
@FluxNL (503)
• Netherlands
2 Jan 12
Tell them a shocking story (true or not true) about someone who smoked his whole life and destroys everything. Or show them a shocking video about smoking what it does with your body(lungs). I will try to help my childrens when they are addicted to cigs. It is hard to help your childrens because they will listen to their 'friends' earlier then you as parent.
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• China
2 Jan 12
If my child at the edge of the world ,or lost ,first of all,I told him about the disadvantages of smoking ,which is not conducive to health,and do harm to your surrounding people who don't smoke ,(let others passive smoking)this is wrong .so whether on their own or others must be responsible ,I would more than once ,until the child to understang.
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• Hungary
3 Jan 12
A teenager will not even bother listening to you unless you two have a very good relationship, just like two friends. Words don't really hurt them, I think it's not something worth doing as it will have no effect.
@Monkeyrose (2840)
• Canada
2 Jan 12
child smoking - very young child smoking
This is a very difficult subject. I think being active in your children's lives and keeping an interest is key. Also, creating a positive image of self-worth for the children. Making your children know they are important and special and don't need to compromise to fit in with others. Teach children to not be followers. I am a smoker. I started smoking when I was 17. I have tried to quit many times. My problem is that in times of stress I don't have a healthy coping mechanism. I think its important to teach children to do something positive when they are emotional. Or teach them to share with someone else. here is a link to a program we have in Canada to help youth stop smoking. Also, we have many youth clinics which have information on quitting smoking and nurse and docters trained to work with youth. This can be a very helpful resource.
@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
2 Jan 12
Many children smoke because they are influenced by their peers so the the best way to keep children from smoking when you have know that they smoke is to keep them from them from those bad influence.Even though I am already 17 I haven't tried smoking,and I promise to myself that I will never smoke.I don't wanna die early.Smoking has on benefit.I'd rather read books the whole day than smoke.Maybe introducing reading to those kids might help.:)
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2 Jan 12
absolutely, that's a worldwide problem we facing. some people smoking due to life pressure,feeling. some do like that with curiosity, some do because only from my pa,smoking more than 30 years, and even planned to quit, but finally failed, it's really really hard to give up. for young teenagers, it's easy to quit in my opinion. we could find some smoked-lung pictures on the internet,show them , it should be worked.
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