appliances seemed to be less durable these days

Calgary, Alberta
January 10, 2012 12:37am CST
During the 1970's my parents bought an electric fa, they were a newly wed couple when they purchased it. Both of my parents are grandparents already and that electric fan they purchased is still working well, it never met a repairman. On the other hand all the electric fans I purchased in the last few years got ruined in just few years, My latest electric fan is purchased in 2010. How come my parent's 1970's electric fan is still working well like its new whole a 2010 purchased electric fan met the repair mine 4 times. I think most appliances nowadays are not durable and appliance makers intentionally do that so people will but a new appliance. The computer I purchased in 2007 had been like been repaired more than I can remember,seriously most brand new appliance are like disposable.
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18 responses
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
10 Jan 12
Somewhere in the past, big appliance manufacturers thought of two things! One is to make their products not so durable, so that consumers would have a certain 'life expectancy' for their appliances so that people would continue buying. And two, by making their products not so durable, they've created a new section of their business (which means another source of income) - the repairs and warranty section. I think this is why appliances are not so durable these days.
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• Calgary, Alberta
11 Jan 12
It is eviland unfair but we cant do anything againts it cos indeed it keeps people employed and helps the economy. I just hope there are manufacturers out there that still develop products that lasts, a very niche market, I think their products will be more expensive but I'm in with it,
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@ferbjohn69 (1127)
• Philippines
10 Jan 12
That's true.The television we bought last ten years is still working well,but the tv we bought last year is already having some problems on its sound.It's very frustrating because it seems that companies are just taking our money.
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• Calgary, Alberta
10 Jan 12
But we have no choice but to give them money, I understand they do it to keep consumers buying but what they do now is over the top, appliances that wont last for a year is way too insulting.
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@leeloo (1492)
• Portugal
10 Jan 12
Welcome to the era of mass production. I really think that the reason things don't last as long is because they are not meant to last that long. A few years ago, a company would produce, just as an example - not sure of the actual values, 10 fans a day now they produce 1 000 for example. The time and care that each machine receives is very small, but the same applies to all the parts of the process, the new motto is how quickly and how cheaply can you produce something rather then how well can you produce something. The fact that with your parents fan at the time probably cost 10 times more then a new one does now, also means that they used better materials. My parents still have a washing machine bought in the early eighties, it has signs of wear and tear but it still works. The same applies to a television that is being replaced because it can't handle the digital conversion. I remember my first computer that lasted several years and if wasn't so slow and incompatible with most programs would still work, cost more then my last 2 computers combined. The best we can hope for is that the product lives through it's warranty, anything after that is a bonus.
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• Calgary, Alberta
10 Jan 12
from food to appliance, everything is being mass produced, Its so sad but nothing we can do. I remember my sister purchased a threadmill and its is ruined after 3 days, she luckily have a warranty. The fact lots of factorie3s uses robots instead of humans, makes you think how lopng will the products as consumers puchased will last.
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@derek_a (10874)
11 Jan 12
I know what you mean here. I am suspicious that many electrical appliances seem to have a self-destruct date programmed in . I have noticed that my computers seem to last 6 years and then something goes wrong and it is cheaper to purchase a new one. That's happened twice with me now. Both times mother boards have burned out. I have got a few years to go with this one, but I will be keeping an eye out for it beginning to act strangely.. _Derek
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• Calgary, Alberta
12 Jan 12
I learned how to replace computer parts, But its such a hassle but yeah sometimes its cheaper to buy a new one, it seemed like companies intentionally make appliance parts expensive so people will rather buy a new one than repair it.
@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
10 Jan 12
I guess Albert, you bought a brand of electric fan that is not durable and the tested one from long ago. Our old electric fan lasted for more than 17 years, until last June when it finally broke down. It's still repairable, but the spare part costs more than PhP500 so i just bought a new stand fan instead. Upon buying , i have to choose from many brands. Some are new brands , fancy style and they are cheaper than the old brands . I still chose the Standard brand , because i know it's a durable brand. Nowadays, there are really a lot of new brands and cheap brands of different appliances. It's up to you to discern and ask others as to its durability. But for me , i rely on the tested brands over the years.
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@SIMPLYD (90722)
• Philippines
11 Jan 12
Maybe they intended it that way, so after a short span of time, the consumer will be forced to buy another one again!
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• Calgary, Alberta
10 Jan 12
Its actually standard cos I trust the older "standard" brands and also Nikon, but I felt like the quality had lessened from the ones they did before. Its not as durable as they use to be. I think most fridge today are ruined after 5 years.I trust China appliances the least, they were so mass produced quality is stale. the quality decline of products were said to start in 1920's and as years go by the quality and lifespan of electric appliance decline year by year.
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10 Jan 12
As per my thinking the main reason for this is to increase their product sales. The company knew that know or than the user will buy product. So they produce product which last for just 3 to 4 or sometimes less than that..Early it was good quality product which cost less but today it has low quality and high price.
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• Calgary, Alberta
10 Jan 12
and the sad thing is all companies do it and we have no escape, unless we know how to repair stuff, we have no escape top it. I noticed the T-shirts I purchased last year looks old now. While an old t-shirt I have which is something my dad purchased from west Germany (there is no more west Germany) still looks brand new,
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• United States
23 Jan 12
that's exactly why.if they make it too good,you'll never buy new. although,to be fair we did have a tv in the 1970's that was a total piece of crap. i think we saw the repairman more often than my relatives. one of those huge cabneted floor models-weighed a ton.
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• Calgary, Alberta
25 Jan 12
I know there are still good products out there but their price is shockingly expensive. I think If I am rich I will buy very expensive appliances if I can use it for long term.
@barehugs (8973)
• Canada
10 Jan 12
Lets just imagine a world where everything was manufactured, and built with durability being Number one. Some of the things we would never need to replace are electric razors, fans, and refrigerators, and the automobile. This being the case who would employ those people who work in the factories that are not getting any orders, because their products are indestructible?What would happen to the economy of a country that never needed any replacement appliances or cars? Lets face it - It would quickly go down the tubes!
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• Calgary, Alberta
11 Jan 12
Its a situation we have no escape with, If they make products that last forever yes the environment will be cleaner and products have good quality but it harms the economy. I found out stucks before were so strong you can pull a car with it but because women got contented with the druable stockings they have, the engineers were forced to formulate weaker stuckings, its againts their will but they have no other choice. I just wish despite of the situation, people still have the choice to get products that last longer. The situation is like cops and crime, without crime cops wont have job.,
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
10 Jan 12
hello Capt, This is very timely discs here. I done part general cleaning at home (maybe tomorrow it will be major general -hahahaa) and my son saw those LP album of the 50's. Now he asks me how can I play those songs. I told him, I will get my grandfather's attache case stereo once I will visit him. It is still working, my cousin told me when I texted him about the stereo. I remember my grandfather purchased it as late 1960's and still working fine huh. My cousin told me, I just need to look for the needle...
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• Calgary, Alberta
10 Jan 12
then its replaced by the ver vulnerable casset tapes and the cassete tapes were replaced by those CD's that gets scratches so easy,now the cd's were dumped for Ipods, Well we dont know how long ipods and ipads will last,
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@hvedra (1619)
10 Jan 12
It's called "built in obsolescence" and it is a well known practice that manufacturers make things that last just long enough to not have to replace them for free but no longer. There's a great documentary about it called The Light Bulb Conspiracy about how some very old light bulbs were made to last for decades. Yes, I said DECADES. Then the manufacturers realised that the market would be very small so they started making short-lived light bulbs and conspiring between themselves that nobody would make the long-life ones. The documentary is up on You Tube and starts with the light bulb and then covers a lot of other stuff we are being ripped off about - and the associated waste being so harmful for the environment.
• Calgary, Alberta
10 Jan 12
I just watched the documentary, I'm shocked to see a light bulb that has been burning since 1901,so as years gone buy the quality of appliance is getting lesser and lesser. That causes pollution cos people throw away appliance to buy a new one, cluttering the dump fields. That is really disturbing., I want to learn how to repair stuff now not because I want a carreer on it, but to learn repairing my own appliances and not fall for their tactics, I will also buy reserve parts just to be ready.
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@cerebellum (3863)
• United States
11 Jan 12
I have noticed the same thing. I had a newer appliance break down, and didn't know if it would be worth it to have it fixed because it might not last long anyway. I ended up getting a new one, but I don't plan on it even lasting as long as the old one did.
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• Calgary, Alberta
12 Jan 12
that is just howthe industry runs these days, warranty is really important these days.
@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
12 Jan 12
Absolutely agree!! We know that they do that intentionally..They will keep the best away and just give us the so-so stuff with so-so performance. They said the so-so performance is for certain so-so price....If you buy the expensive it will last longer than the cheap. What's more important to them is the money~ The old appliances cost less price but we can use it for a long time while the appliances we have now cost double than the old but the performance is worst than the old~
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@CTHanum (8234)
• Malaysia
12 Jan 12
I would love to have one too~ Fan is one of appliances that can't last for more than a year. I don't know how many times we had changed the fans we have at home..
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• Calgary, Alberta
12 Jan 12
fromwhat I know there are actually antique shops that sells unused stuff, I dont mind antiques but I dont want preowned ones. There are some old models of appliances that were failed to sell in stores but now sold as collectibles. Like the antique appliances from West Germany, I know west Germany is an evil communist regime but they gone already but the products they produced during their reign were said to be super durable.
• Calgary, Alberta
12 Jan 12
I wonder if there is a place were we can buy unused old model appliances that is in good condition.I would like to buy a fan that will last forever.
• Philippines
10 Jan 12
I think there are many reason why appliances of today tend to break a lot. I think one of the reason is that the raw materials used before is now obsolete. As technology grows, new raw materials are being developed and the old ones are being paced out. Another reason I think is that, it is a strategy of the businessmen so that people would buy their products often.
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• Calgary, Alberta
10 Jan 12
Yeah from metal to plastic, the decline of quality is really threatening. this could be the reason why I have to by a new keyboard for every 6 months. we can see those new raw materials have lesser lifespan over the older ones.
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@godjuvah (50)
• Philippines
11 Jan 12
we also had an electric fan lasted more than 20 years.a few months ago we bought a brand new industrial fan but to our disappointment it stop rotating.i agree,most of appliance today dont have quality.
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• Calgary, Alberta
11 Jan 12
and the quality will be lessened in the next few years. I think products that are more expensive are bettter than the cheap ones.
@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
11 Jan 12
hi I have an old Samsung computer that was given to us free from my son's employers 30 years ago. oh it has had the mother board replaced, power source replaced, new fans, internet card replaced but its perking right along as good as a brand new computer, knock knock on wood, but it really works just fine.I have a three year old monitor which is also samsung and led. just wonderful,If I won a lot of money I might go for a new computer but thats about the only way I would get rid of it. it does me well.
• Calgary, Alberta
11 Jan 12
I wonder where can I buy some appliance that is planned obsolescence proof stuff. I heard there is a software that saves computers and its parts from planned obsolescence.
@srik11 (482)
• India
10 Jan 12
I think you are right. My computer used to give me a lot of trouble even during the first few months. The reliability of today's appliance is nowhere compared to those in the old days. That is the reason we now specifically look for warranty while buying any new appliance.
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• Calgary, Alberta
10 Jan 12
I think we should look for products with longer warranty just to be sure its our money's worth. Its so frustrating most of the appliances today, just look better but gets destroyed so easy. I swear if a I have a bad experience with a certain brand, I'll dump them for real.
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@Theresaaiza (10487)
• Australia
11 Jan 12
That's my observation too. And well, oldies also really know how to take care of their stuff. I'm guessing that the reason behind this is that newly made products are made of sub standard materials because that way they can be cheaper and so end users can afford. When it comes to electric fans, manufacturers are already opting for plastic parts for "safety" reasons.
• Calgary, Alberta
11 Jan 12
apparently its the companies themselves who intentionally do that so people will keep on buying cos if the products are way too durable people will be contented and wont buy a new one. Sad but true. I just found out light bulbs created during 1901, lasts forever (as in they still work until now) buts because of that people get contented and dont buy a new one. That is why they make light bulbs to have less life shelf. what happened in light bulbs slowly happened in many products we use,.
@yanzalong (18988)
• Indonesia
11 Jan 12
Yes, that's right.I think the materials are not of good quality. The manufacturers perhaps want to get more profit but this is also because of low in demand. If they don't cut down on materials cost, the profit will be less than projected sales. There are still appliances of good quality but of course the price is higher than we can afford to buy. I had a water pump for my well. It lasted over 5 years. We bought a new with the same brand but after about 9 months of use, it shows a sign of deterioration in pumping performance.
• Calgary, Alberta
11 Jan 12
I heard that there is a certain part of many appliances nowadays that acts like a ticking timebomb, its a part that will intentionally damage our appliances. well some people already figured out how to deal with them. I already knew dark secrets of computers but the others I dont know.
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