How many of your clothes do you actually wear?

@maximax8 (31053)
United Kingdom
January 14, 2012 7:23am CST
I read that most people have some clothes in their wardrobe that they hardly ever wear. I wonder why these clothes don't get sent to the charity shop. Most people it said wear just twenty percent of their clothes on a regular basis. I have one set of old clothes to wear when I am decorating. I have three swimming costumes which I think is quite a lot. Do you have clothes in your wardrobe or cupboard that you don't ever wear? If so why do you not wear these? Do you wear each one of your clothes regularly?
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20 responses
@Bamboee (645)
• United Arab Emirates
14 Jan 12
Well I have a bunch of clothes that I wear on and off, I have like certain days for certain clothes!! The ones where I feel i dont fit in, I give it right away to the charity. I dont shop for new clothes at all. i am waiting till I am sick and tired and bored of all the clothes in my wardrobe then I shall start shopping for a new bunch! Because truly its wastage of money and there are so many people out there who dont even have a small piece of cloth to cover their body!! So I make sure after every few months me and my husband donate some of our clothes, that are not too old because I want to give the best :) Cheers!
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@marguicha (218639)
• Chile
14 Jan 12
You are right, Maxine. I should take a bit of my time and take all the clothes I don´t use to someone who needs them. The most difficult part is to find out who will need them. But it is a good idea to begin by discovering that. Sorting out what I don´t need is much easier.
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• United States
20 Jan 12
Honestly, I do have a lot of clothes that I do not wear. I have some clothes that I wear to work and those are worn on a pretty limited basis. I work with kids all day and I get messy. Really messy. I'd rather save myself the trouble of having to buy new clothes all the time so I tend to wear the same clothes. On the weekends, I just grab clothes and put them on. So some of my clothes do barely get worn.
@youless (112263)
• Guangzhou, China
16 Jan 12
I think perhaps I hardly wear 1/3 of my clothes. As some clothes may be formal or inconvenient to wear. I already donated enough old clothes and therfore I have to keep the rest at home unless one day I may need to wear it again. I love China
@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
18 Jan 12
I actually just recently cleaned out my closet! I was looking for sweaters seeing that it is cold out, when I noticed that there were a bunch of clothes that hasn't gone in my rotation. So, I got some garbage bags and started stuffing them in. I filled out 2 bags! Which is about 40% of my stuff. They will be going to a nearby clothing donation place.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
16 Jan 12
I think that there are just a lot of my clothes that I only break out when I go to a family gathering because they are going to hardly have been worn. There are times where I go right through my closet and I really wonder where I got this. Then again, there are times where it seems like there are clothes that I just shoved in the dresser or hung up in the closet years ago and promptly forgot about. Whether it was birthday presents or something that someone gave us. I think that there seem to be a few things that I wear rather regularly, and other things that I just break out on special occasions. If I felt so inclined, I could wear something different every day. Well with the shirts. Not as much as the pants. I think that I have far too many clothes, but once I figure out what fits and what does not, its time for a garage sale.
@lilybug (21107)
• United States
15 Jan 12
I don't have a whole lot of clothing, but I rarely wear any of it other than my work uniform and a pair of jeans and a few different shirts. I do find that I wear the same clothes all the time. I keep the few other articles of clothing I have around in case I need to wear something a little nicer sometime.
@GreenMoo (11834)
15 Jan 12
the majority of my clothes are work clothes, and as such they get filthy and stained. i keep loads, because i'll wear them all someday. but it tends to be just the ones on the top of the heap that i wear day to day. i wash them, they go back on the heap.
@longbangod (1785)
• Philippines
14 Jan 12
Hello my friend. I only have few clothes in my closet. And most of them are worn most often. I really love to have more clothes to wear since I do have activities everyday, but I could not afford to buy more for myself. I also have old clothes, though still presentable to wear but won't fit anymore, that is why I gave some of them to my younger brothers and some relatives.
@borgborg (821)
• Philippines
14 Jan 12
i actually still wear almost all of my clothes. a few of the clothes that i don't wear anymore are still in my wardrobe waiting to be donated to charity. i don't wear them anymore because they are old. when i say old, it means that either the print is beginning to fade or the neckline is turning to be like a newly fried bacon. i also circulate my clothes to make sure that i always use all of them. i always get the clothes that i will wear for the day from the bottom pile. then the clothes from the laundry goes to the upper pile.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
15 Jan 12
I have tons and tons of clothes. Probably 15 pairs of jeans, easy, whereas I only really rotate between wearing 3-4 different pairs. I probably have over 20 hoodies, and I generally wear all of them except the few that have gotten a little too small in the past year or so. I also probably have about 50+ tops - dressy tops, casual tops, etc. THAT'S where the problem lies - I have tons and tons of shirts but I rarely wear them. There are shirts that I haven't worn since I bought. But then I also have my 'favorites' that I wear at least once a week. LOL. This discussion reminds me - I need to go through and donate some.
15 Jan 12
My rule is that if I haven't worn something in two years then I will never wear it. For one reason or another it was a bad purchase. I will then take it to one of our many charity shops. One person's trash is another's treasure!
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
14 Jan 12
I wear all my clothes I have summer and winter and not much. I mostly wear the same and they are nearly all already years old but still fine. Just threw away a dress that was repaired many times. The summer clothes of my kids I left behind in Africa, still fine but at the time they can wear it here/it's summer over here they won't fit in it anymore. Perhaps there are 2 pair of clothes I am not wearing, I still keep them because I hope to lose some weight sooner or later. They are old too.
@karin27 (141)
• South Africa
15 Jan 12
I have clothing that i can seem to part with, lol i wish i could tho because i dont want to clutter, but certain people were very special to buy them for me, altho some dont fit becaused ive gained some fatties over december, but im considering to wear them once ive shaked off some kgs, the rest i usulay giv to charity.
@peavey (16936)
• United States
14 Jan 12
Umm... you mean like that long purple skirt hanging in the back of my closet? If I wanted to wear it, I'd have to wash the dust out of it first. I like it, though. I just don't wear long skirts and I have nothing to wear with purple. Sigh... Yeah. I really should get rid of it. And the other pretty long skirt I put in the spare room closet to get out of my way. But I wear nearly everything else. Honest.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
14 Jan 12
I think those people who only wear twenty percent of what they have in their wardrobe closet are hoarders. The only clothes that I don't get to wear now are the business clothes that I used to wear when I was still working. Plus the formal wear dresses that I have that are stored just in case I get invited to such events. But I hardly buy new clothes. I only buy clothes when the ones that I wear regularly are torn or ill-fitting already. We don't have a charity shop here where I live, but I just give my old clothes to the garbage truck people and they appreciate what I give out. It's kind of funny that when they see me cleaning the house they are expecting a large haul the following day . The same goes for shoes. I usually have a pair of sneakers that really get used (and abused) because I wear them almost everyday.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
14 Jan 12
because we have extreme seasons here in canada, i pretty much wear everything i own. i can get very cold in the winter and very hot in the summer so one has to have a big variety. plus, i go through my clothes once a year to get rid of stuff i dont wear.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
14 Jan 12
I wear a lot of my clothes until they're not really wearable. I donated some clothes that I don't wear any more to a place down the road. Some places have made it difficult to donate. They only take clothes for the season that they take clothes for and you may have washed up your clothes and put them away already. They only take clothes when they're open and that might be when you're working. Some places only take clothes in good repair, in style and in like new condition. The longer the rules, the less people donate. It used to be clean,dry, no holes. That I can do. They used to have donations bins, but some people started bringing their garbage bags and throwing garbage in the bins when the price of garbage hauling went up. That was very convenient to just put clothes in donation bins. Too bad some morons had to ruin it for everyone. Some people believe they'll get back to that size again and that was their favorite blouse or pair of jeans,etc.
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
14 Jan 12
I guess I'm one of those who wear just about a fourth of my total wardrobe regularly. I just want to wear some clothes until their worn-out. The others I have I only wear occasionally in order for them to last longer. Usually these are the more expensive clothes I have, and I don't want them to look worn-out in a very short span of time. The best way to do that is not to wear them often.
@pandora22 (868)
• Romania
14 Jan 12
actually i am wearing all of my clothes because i am not the kind of person dependant of shoping.i buy only clothes that i need and which i know that i will wear them.when i don't like the clothesanymore or they don't fit me well anymore and i stop wearing them i just collect everything i don't use and give it to the poor.of course that there are some clothes for special ocasions and i am not wearing them every day.