Lastfm buddies

January 15, 2012 8:03am CST
Hi :). Do You use it's a great site with scrobbling system that saves your infomations about listened songs. Then You can comapre those informations with others to see how similiar are your music tastes. I look for some buddies there to just look at their music and chat from time to time. What are You listening to? My nick is GoodBye1
3 responses
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
15 Jan 12
Yes, I use to use, mainly for it's 'related artists' feature. It proved to be really helpful and I discovered so many amazing artists using it. Also, the genre feature is really helpful.
@boyuancy (1708)
• India
16 Jan 12
Yep, I never knew about 'Flamenco' and I considered 'Salsa' and Flamenco the same. I felt like listening to Spanish guitar music one day, and so I searched on And boy!!! I found so many amazing artists.
• Poland
15 Jan 12
Exactly! You can even find tags that describe your favourite band/artist and look for others that play similiar genres. You can make so many musical discoveries.
@FluxNL (503)
• Netherlands
15 Jan 12
Hello sterybiusz, Iam a user of I like to use it, but when I try to scrobble it isn't working. Iam listening to Coldplay, Elbow. White Lies and many more. My username is FluxNL, search for me and you will find my music taste :)
• Poland
15 Jan 12
You have to install their "scrobbler". Then launch windows media player, winamp or other program that can work with scrobbler. It should scrobble your songs after listening to half of it.
@FluxNL (503)
• Netherlands
15 Jan 12
I know, but it isn't working. I turned the scrobbler on, but it isn't working. I don't know why, but it is very annoying and I don't like it.
18 Jan 12
I love the lastfm website. I like that I can keep track of what I've been listening to most during a certain time period. Cold Cave is my number 1 listened to artist for the last 3 months.
• Poland
18 Jan 12
Cold Cave huh? It's quite close to genres I listen (electronic, darkwave) I wil give it a try! I listen mostly to Bonobo or Gold Panda, You should give them a chance : ).