Is your life like a soap opera?

@maezee (41996)
United States
January 27, 2012 6:54pm CST
Some people are prone to drama. Whereas others have 'normal' (maybe to the point of being 'boring') lives. My boss is like the first - drama seems to follow her around. There is ALWAYS something going on. She gets in huge blow-out fights with her husband. Family tragedies occur. There is always some kind of drama with her - it's shocking actually. Whereas I am the latter. Sure, stuff happens, but I wouldn't call it drama - not really. And if my life was a soap opera, it would be a pretty ridiculously boring one at that. I'm wondering - what's your life like? A soap opera? Or a very boring non-fiction documentary like my own? Those of you who lead 'soap opera' type dramatic lives, do you bring it upon yourself? Do you like drama, and that's why your life is so dramatic? Or do some people just get unlucky with circumstances A LOT OF THE TIME?
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10 responses
@jhyan007 (467)
• Philippines
28 Jan 12
hi maezee, for me, my life is like an open book, it has its own climax like everyone else, it has its boring moment and of course, a so-so one...i think everyone in their entire lifespan experience something dramatic, something you can see only in movies, and in my case that was when i was still a kid..up until now i still can't believe it myself, however it happened and that's life, sure there are times my life has been boring yet there are also times when my life seems so colorful..i think few factors to consider would be our environment, our self-awareness, our desires and goals, and above all, how we see life and how we want to use and live it....there is more to life that we think, and be positive happy mylotting..
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• Philippines
28 Jan 12
My life is not like a soap opera because my life is a soap opera. How I wish that you get what I mean. I do believe that life is like that. I used to imagine that the trials that I encounter is just like the same with what happened in the soap opera. I do believe that not all moments of our life is so dramatic. There are some happy moments too.
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@prinzcy (32322)
• Malaysia
28 Jan 12
My life is pretty boring. If it's a soap opera, there should be a hot rich guy walking in a minute from now and fall in love with me at first sight. After declaring his love for me, he decided to marry me even though his evil mother disagree. There's more to that story but you get what I meant.
• Philippines
28 Jan 12
i guess we all have dramatic moments in life in different faces. opera normally they took that from real life drama and a lot can relate to it though sometimes it become so over acting to the point that you almost throw your tv out. we really cant tell what will happened unless we shared the same fate, its so easy to say no or that person is so stupid but in real life like if it will happen to us we really cant tell that somehow we also do it just for the sake of love and family.
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@bounce58 (17387)
• Canada
31 Jan 12
Oh please give me the boring, non-dramatic, non-soap opera kind of life! I've been through a lot of drama already, that I don't need more. I half expect my life to be the boring kind because I've gone through a lot of ups and downs already. But you never know about life. I don't want it, and I definitely know that I don't draw it upon myself.
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
Well, my life revolves like your boss. Parents quarrel, parent-child quarrel, tragedies occur. So it is like a soap opera. But my attitude towards it, i guess, s just normal.
@dodo19 (47235)
• Beaconsfield, Quebec
28 Jan 12
Like a lot of other people, there are dramas that happen in my life. However, I wouldn't characterize it as a soap opera.
@rhizjen (140)
• Philippines
28 Jan 12
i think all of us do have a life drama because all of us, experienced trials and great challenges in life which makes ourlives exciting and worth living.
@ajk111 (2495)
28 Jan 12
mine is definately a soap opera! i have 2 jobs full of people with dramtic lifes, a wife who is not afraid to tell people the truth and two kids who want the world. all thats missing is a body under the patio!
@Mashnn (4501)
28 Jan 12
Fortunately for me, I have not had any drama of significant that I can recall. I live a happy, not so boring life. I hate dramas and I thank God that I have not experienced in my life.