Have Three kitties and wondering what I can do?

West Fargo, North Dakota
January 31, 2012 12:58pm CST
I have read that once they reach 6 months you can get them spayed, but then I have heard that after their first heat you can get them spayed. I have three kittens and the oldest one is 4 weeks older than the other two and the other two are sisters and the oldest has gone into heat already. I want to get her fixed but can I? She is only 16 weeks old.
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6 responses
@SassyBrat (463)
• Canada
31 Jan 12
I see you have been given excellent information. I waited too long to neuter mine and when he decided he was going to try and "own me", he actually sprayed my face with his urine, while I slept. A few friends wanted to know why I hadn't gotten rid of him for that kind of behavior and quite simply it was because I am his mom and he is my responsibility. He has since been fixed and has not ever sprayed again. Save yourself the heartache, talk to your vet, and go from there. But having said that, if your one cat has come into heat, they won't spay her til she is finished. It is too risky due to hormones etc.
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@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
1 Feb 12
Wow, all I can say is thank you!!! Too many people feel that animals are disposable and if they do something that they feel is wrong you get rid of them. One of my boys sprayed my leg while I was sitting on the toilet! Since they got neutered they haven't sprayed anything again. Plus, they are members of the family and not something that I feel could be tossed aside like a used kleenex. I love hearing others that share my feelings about my cats. After all you have to look at them as small children that need to be taught how to behave. Would you get rid of a child that has an accident in their pants? Or if the child wets the bed? It isn't any different with an animal, you need to realize that animals do things for a reason and if you don't agree with their reasoning you train them to do differently. Hug your kitty for me...I'll hug my four for you.
@savypat (20216)
• United States
31 Jan 12
I think with cats you need to spay or neuter at 3-4 months. If not you may very well find that you have 6-8 kittens instead of just the three. Each cat is different so it is best to check with your Vet.
@ladygator (3465)
• United States
31 Jan 12
I always thought that you could fix them before the heat. Because all animal shelters spay them before they go home. Its so annoying when they go into heat, and I was thinking that they take so long until they are done with the heat. Your best bet would be to call the local shelter and ask what is the recommended age for this. ~C~
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
1 Feb 12
Vets are now spaying and neutering as young as 12 weeks. DON'T wait until they are having their first heat. You're taking chances that the cat might get out and you will end up with unwanted kittens. It's also better for the cat to get them spayed and neutered at an earlier age so that they don't go through the hormonal changes of having a heat or becoming a "man" in the case of male kittens. With a male kitten as soon as they reach the age of knowing about girls they will tend to roam further and further away from home and also chance getting run over, beat up by other male cats, being attacked by dogs and more. Check your local animal societies. Some of them also offer coupons for money off on spaying and neutering. I wouldn't wait any longer since the first kitten has already gone into heat. Thank you too for being a responsible pet owner and getting them spayed and neutered. Some people think it would be so cute to have a litter of kittens or puppies. It might be cute but then it's finding good homes for the babies. I get my cats spayed and neutered as early as I possibly can, and end up with wonderful loving, fun loving, laid back companions.
• West Fargo, North Dakota
1 Feb 12
That is one reason why we didn't go with a male as we didn't want to have to have babies around here and we decided that we were gonna get them spayed as soon as we could. I feel that we do not need extra animals around that are just gonna be let out of the house to be attacked and cause more babies that do not need to be born. They are like one of us and I will never be able to forgive myself if they got hurt. As far as getting out we have a pretty good group of them so far that hate the door and only lay in front of the window but as this snow melts and it warms up they might try so I want to have them fixed before that.
@Loverbear (4918)
• United States
3 Feb 12
That is a problem I had with my cats even when they were fixed. I found a wonderful way to stop them from even thinking of going outside. I would go outside with a cup of water and have someone open the door. As the cat started to go out the door they would get a face full of water. They never wanted to chance it after that. It sounds mean, but it is far better than having them go outside and getting injured while they were outside.
• United States
6 Feb 12
Kittens are usually spayed or neutered by the time they are 6 months old. Now if they go into heat and don't have kittens than you don't have anything to worry about. Think about all the strays or abused animals out there that get rescued and sent to shelters. All these cats and dogs are available for adoption. Not one single animal can be adopted until they are all spayed or neutered. Here age doesn't matter. It is a lot easier for a kitten or puppy to recover when they are younger. They forget what happened quickly. If you have serious doubts just call your vet. He or she will tell you what they feel is medically correct for the pet you have. Good luck!
@angelako (280)
• Italy
1 Feb 12
I dont have idea how to take care cats,we have cat before but their is no complication they just grow healthy,but we dont used to have cat always ,i think we only have one cat after that no more.I dont like much on cat because of their hair,it keeps spreeding in the house and to your dress too,and the most i really dont like is their poo,it smells really bad.