What?! Pnoy and Grace Lee... Dating???

February 2, 2012 11:45pm CST
I'm not actually the type who's always updated with the latest political gossip, but when I heard it on the short afternoon news segment on tv before going to work yesterday, well, it was NEWS to me. I'm not judging them or anything, but nevertheless, it was still shocking. I mean, they are a very unlikely couple. Who would have thought? _
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11 responses
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
I was surprised to see this news last night too. Like I always said, age does not matter in love. But.... with PNoy and Grace Lee... I don't know if it's really love or they are just attracted with each other. Well, okay PNoy will be definitely be attracted with the pretty Grace Lee. But Grace Lee liking PNoy? I doubt! I guess she was only dating her because of his position in the country. I always think she would be in love with the hunky and handsome guys.
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
Ahaha! Yeah, that's what most people will think. But I guess we should still give them a chance to prove themselves that the usual assumptions are wrong. ;)
@enelym001 (8322)
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
Yeah let's give them a chance... especially Grace Lee, to prove that she's dating President PNoy not just because of his wealth, power and fame. But because she finds him attractive and that she can truly love him.
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
hahaha That's what I believed too .
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
Like you I was shocked upon seeing the news yesterday! In my opinion, well there is nothing wrong if ever they have a relationship, but I'm afraid that as a president his relationships will be the focus of his entire presidency rather than what he has done for our Country. I hope grace Lee is really one that is sincere in getting to know Pnoy and this is not just a way to climb socially or a stunt to gain popularity.
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
I really hope so too. :)
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
well, this is the private matter for the president. i respect his privacy. as long as he is doing his job as a president of the country, i have no problem with his personal affair. he is single anyway. the climate is getting cooler, and he needs some warming up during nighttime, i imagine. any lady would be misunderstood to date with a sitting president. i admire this korean lady.
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
If Grace Lee is indeed an honest person ('cause I wouldn't know, of course, I don't personally know her), I'll also admire her for her bravery in answering the questions, too. I mean, no shyness, no flowery words or anything. Purely a straightforward girl. :)
@beamer88 (4259)
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
I think I'm out of the loop regarding Pres. Aquino's other side of life :) But I guess when you're a civil servant, your life really becomes a public matter since taxpayers are paying for your salary in office :) But I guess it shouldn't be a big thing. Our president's single, and there's nothing wrong if he starts dating people just as long as it doesn't affect his work.
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
I agree. As the current president, as long as it doesn't affect his work, I'm ok with anything. But as a person, I also want to hope for the best for him. I mean, it's obvious that he wants to have a partner in life. So yeah, I hope it works out. :)
@eljayo (1105)
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
Hi! I have the same reaction as yours. That is really the disadvantage of having a president that is not married. Controversies happen especially in his personal life. His life becomes part of showbiz. I hope that will be his last girlfriend so that his reputation on relationship will not be that bad.
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
I hope so too. That would be the best outcome. And he'll definitely be the subject of envy for many Filipino men. Ahaha! ;)
@TriGyn03 (84)
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
it was just all hype...PNOY always link to such girls but never have a stable one that will stand besides him forever. i mean they may be dating or maybe they can go much more than that but at the end they will have to go on separate ways. i guess PNOY should look for a woman not a girl...
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
Hmmm... But I think it's still too early to tell if it's gonna end or not, or that if Grace Lee is a woman or a girl when it comes to relationships. I guess, we'll just have to wait and see. Of course, I hope for the best. :)
@salonga (27775)
• Philippines
4 Feb 12
Noynoy and Grace - Unlikely pair?
At 51 Noynoy should have been married. I really am thinking why he remained single till now. Could there be something wrong? Why were his past relationship did not materialize. His last relationship with Shalani ended in separation and Shalani is now happily (it seems) married with Cong. Roman. Now it's Noynoy's chance to give love a chance in his life. He seems to have some liking for younger women which is common to old men like him. Grace Lee is not actually young. She is 29 and should be married by now as well. But comparatively speaking their age has big gap so that Noynoy is old enough to be her father. Nevertheless, though unlikely partner, I wish they have sincere intention with each other and their relationship prosper till they go down the aisle wearing a smile to exchange vows.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
6 Feb 12
i am also surprised to hear that they are dating because Grace Lee once said he will not fall for much older man. maybe she hasn't fallen yet but looks like it is where they are heading already. well, that's life and better not to put a period to your sentence unless you are not sure.
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
Yes, They're dating. Grace Lee is trending now on Twitter it's because she's the new apply of the eye of the President. I'm really not interested with that news. Why? It's because there love life can't help to improve the country's economy. (P.S. I'm not a hater of PNoy and Grace Lee, It's just that, I'm not interested with there story"
@eljayo (1105)
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
Hi! I have the same reaction as yours. That is really the disadvantage of having a president that is not married. Controversies happen especially in his personal life. His life becomes part of showbiz. I hope that will be his last girlfriend so that his reputation on relationship will not be that bad.
@boylopez (382)
• Philippines
3 Feb 12
Pnoy is to old and must settled his life. If she date someone it is better. He is bachelor and even his sisters want Pnoy to settled his life. Age doesn't matter. If they love each other it is there life. Go Pnoy your going old bald.