Minor operation

February 6, 2012 6:56pm CST
In a few hours, I will be visiting the university dentist. I am scheduled for tooth extraction today. It's part of our annual physical examination and a requirement for clearance. Two teeth will be removed. Teeth numbers 18 and 28 will be extracted. Based on the condition of my teeth, the dentist said it would require a minor operation. I am just wondering however how minor is minor?
3 responses
• Canada
7 Feb 12
I think some doctors use terms that the majority of patients will find uncomfortable. Tooth extractions aren't usually much of a problem. I've had 2 of them myself. If it was going to be something that would cause an issue, you would have been informed of that beforehand. For example, when my father got his teeth extracted years ago for false teeth, he had to have some jaw surgery as the roots of his teeth were basically clamped down and around his jaw. For me, it was a minor operation, yet for my father, it was major. Terminology and understanding varies from situation to situation as well. For example, I had twins by c-section almost 11 yrs ago now. At the time, I thought nothing of having the "surgery". It is common enough, and if it meant my boys would be born safely, I was all for that. But AFTER the fact, I was informed that it was referred to as "Major Abdominal Surgery". If I'd been told THAT terminology before the operation, I imagine I would have been a little bit worried. You'll be just fine. Sore for a few days, especially days 2 and 3. But from then on out, you'll get better and better. Just don't forget the pain meds... preventative medicine is always a good course of action. Be sure to post an update and let us know how you're doing!
1 person likes this
• Philippines
7 Feb 12
Thanks for sharing Sarcastique! I will surely post an update as soon as I can.
@AmbiePam (87805)
• United States
7 Feb 12
I've had it. It's not bad at all.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
7 Feb 12
I hope.
• Brazil
7 Feb 12
Maybe it is something with not too many steps, not too many complications. BUT BE CAREFUL, sometimes they think it is so minor that it does not need the needed atention so be sure he is a professional in what he does! You would'nt wan't a major headache because of a minor operation! I wish you all the best!
• Philippines
7 Feb 12
That is exactly how I feel about it! Others may think it is SO MINOR and THAT IT WOULDN'T HURT. But that is THEM - NOT ME. Oh my! I hope he is right.