I want to know the graphic designing work

@arjunm (439)
February 6, 2012 11:04pm CST
I want to know the work of graphic design in detailly.please help me to give some suggestions.Thanks...
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3 responses
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
7 Feb 12
There are many open classes on the web now. You can use your search bar to find some classes of graphic designing, and learning on the web. Most of these classes are taught by Professors from famous universities, and all of them are free to everyone. You can make full use of these resource, and learn from beginning.
@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
7 Feb 12
There are books on it. Just go to the bookstore, you will find one. Adobe usually has graphic design with pictures in it. Online tutorials are also availabe, if you want to search for it.
• India
7 Feb 12
may i know what is your experience graphic design and tell me what are the software you use. but still the following website will help you. http://www.ideabook.com/tutorials/