Clixsense Task

@cheenlly (3476)
February 10, 2012 5:59am CST
I really really love the new task in clixsense. I got lucky to have done a lot of task today and from previous days too. It is a good thing they added another way to boost the earnings. I remember mylot has that kind of task too before and paying much higher. I hope mylot will have that back for everybody to share work and boost earnings. As for clixsense, good job! I'm looking forward to be grabbing more task coming in the future. Hope it continues and never stop. How about you, did you got some quality task in clixsense like research and collecting information? or Do you know other similar sites that gives this kind of research task or job?
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6 responses
@sajeevking (5073)
• Mumbai, India
10 Feb 12
today i just manage to do one of those made 0.03 which is better than nothing i find very less time to be online on weekdays but still now i check for task every now and then till now ia have complete 58task and made 2.27$ from it i hope i can catch task when i am free because it always seems like when i have to go to work clixsense offer a task and keep on thinking about it at my office
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@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
11 Feb 12
hi friend i earn 33 cents by doing similar task 11 times and after that i am not available to do more because i message appear that is thank you for your hard work and now i am rally happy and looking for more tasks hopes that i can do these types of tasks daily.
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• Mumbai, India
11 Feb 12
its seems like you really love clixsense now i remember i past we all use to think it no use for standard member
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@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
11 Feb 12
@sajeevking yes friend now i really love to do clixsense tasks and yes before some time their is not any work for standard members but now we can earn a great money without upgrading .their is great difference between present clixsense and past clixsense.
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@akp100 (13640)
• India
10 Feb 12
Hi Mylot having such tasks too!! I never seen any. I guess I am not much in mylot tasking. About clixsense tasks, They are going awesome for me so far. Just today I earned 1.5$ and so far I have already earned more than 6.5$ in clixsense tasking. Even I would like to know about site which is offering such tasks.
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@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
11 Feb 12
yes friend from some time i heard a lot about neobux and now i also want to create my account their.
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@akp100 (13640)
• India
11 Feb 12
Neobux have tasks!!! Since when?
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• Mumbai, India
11 Feb 12
Neobux has introduce neopoints offer it has crowdflower task but we can earn only neopoints for doing it and neocoins (it not for us as we earn when we purchase what they required) but now they don't allow neopoints to rent referral we can only extended them or recycle them with the neopoints. i have 6 RR i can only manage them now but yeah adprize is going good
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@yanzalong (18982)
• Indonesia
11 Feb 12
I haven't even started my task at clixsense. I'll give it a try when I am not so busy. Thank for the info bro. Happy mylotting.
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
10 Feb 12
Does clixsense really pays??How will an individual like me earn on those sites?I am a newbie for those sites and I'm quite interested hehehe
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@ASHUDEEP (1774)
• India
10 Feb 12
yes friend today's task is really awesome.i really done it more than ten times and got paid 30 cents so far very easy task but very boring .i get bored to do same task again and again but do doubt very simple task .i hopes that that kind of tasks come again and again.
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@cheenlly (3476)
• Philippines
11 Feb 12
Actually for me its a little too low to be paid .03 cents but like you said its worth to do if you have lots of free time. I think the one providing this task in clixsense is also working for someone who will paid him much as .03 cents and just sharing the work but pay less but still got profit. I remember 3 years ago when mylot task was launched, one of those task is similar to that kind of task in clixsense and it pays .20 cents each page and not 3 pages like in clixsense. I had earned $80 from that for less than a week but now there is no more like that. It is really a boost of earning.
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
11 Feb 12
I been into clixsense task for these past days which really give me extra cents in my earning.So easy to do cause you will just do the same things over and over until there is no available task.But there some also that is quite complicated.
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• United States
13 Feb 12
It's hard to keep up with clixsense because it's low pay. Maybe I will try again..