Who Believes In Manifesting Their Desires?

United States
February 11, 2012 7:38pm CST
I don't beleive there are too many people who aren't familiar with the LOA. I'm just curious how many MyLotters believe in the LOA, or something similar, and who practice some form of it (i.e. visualization, attitude of gratitude, positive affirmations, etc.). I personally believe you can manifest what you want in life; positive brings positive, negative brings negative. I have had success with it to some degree, unfortunately I never stick with anything long enough for major changes to occur. So....who believes, who has tried and who has actually manifested?
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4 responses
• United States
12 Feb 12
I believe in the Law of Attraction through prayer. Though, all my prayers haven’t manifested in the natural, lots of them have. I’ve never know anyone use LOA to become rich. Everyone I know who believe in it are still as poor as church mice. Prayer and LOA are similar … in both you must believe you will get what you have asked for. In fact, you must visualize that you have already received it. I give thanks even through it hasn’t manifested, and usually it works for small things.
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@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
27 Apr 12
I believe that prayer and practicing the law of attraction are one and the same...
• Philippines
13 Feb 12
I'm somehow using LOA in my everyday life. But the the difference is, I use it with prayers and instead of believing that the universe will give it to me, I believe that God will (since I'm a Catholic). I just combined LOA with my religion. However, I don't really use it that much on asking for material things that much. I also use the attitude of gratitude and sometimes positive affirmations. One of the experience that I had with it is that when I had to pay my tuition in about a week and we still don't have the money for it and we don't know where to get it since my father was hospitalized during that time. So I used it, I asked God and thank him that it was already there (even though there's nothing yet) and even imagined counting and smelling it while praying. After 5 days, a relative of ours from overseas sent us some money and I was finally able to pay my current balance. I was really happy with it since we don't really know where to get it the first place yet we got it out of the blue. :))
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
27 Apr 12
But if you read some of the books on the law of attraction, the universe IS God. I believe that there is only ONE GOD no matter what you call it...whether it be God, Allah, The Universe, The Source, The Higher Power, whatever, it is all one and the same that we are referring to. If you believe that then prayer, asking God and asking the universe are one and the same thing.
• Malaysia
12 Feb 12
I believe in LOA and every good things happened on me, I think that should be LOA. Of cause there are always things that haven't done, and we have a lot more desires everyday, and I am not saying everything I want in life manifested, but if you were to focus on what you still don't have then it would always be "don't have". So, I may simply have faith on it, appreciate and gratitude. Manifested or not? I think most importantly I feel good :)
@Suebee (2013)
• Canada
27 Apr 12
I totally believe in manifesting my own desires, however it is not as easy as most people think. Yes it is one thing to ask for something but it takes lots and lots of practice of living the law of attraction before it can be manifested. You not only have to ask for it but you have to open yourself up to receiving it, which is the difficult part. It involves clearing your mind of clutter and allowing what you have asked for to manifest. One way of doing this is through meditating on a regular basis.