
February 13, 2012 3:01am CST
Hi mylotters! anyone here who is with Vworker.com? found this in one of the sites i frequently visit and decided to try it since it is strongly recommended by the author of the site but the problem is i dont know how to get a job fast and i am still having some uncertentainties whether they are as good as odesk. What do you think fellow mylotters? can you please share your experiences(good or bad), tips or strategies with Vworker. Thanks in advance guyz! ???
3 responses
@aerous (13434)
• Philippines
4 Nov 12
I visited the website and seems like freelance. This will be a good website because what I notice this is really a company own. Try your luck who knows you will be succeed to find a good jobs in that site. As far as my opinion is concern that website is really good.
20 Mar 12
I've heard about the site but I haven't really looked at it. I read a blog where it was recommended as an alternative to oDesk because apparently the rates offered to workers are a lot better than those at oDesk. When I gave it a look though, it seemed a lot more complicated than oDesk is.
@Mashnn (4501)
13 Feb 12
First time to hear about the website. I will try to research more about the website. Good luck if you decide to join it.