Finally got my first job at Odesk

@cheenlly (3476)
February 14, 2012 11:21am CST
I am very much grateful and could cry for happiness that finally i got my first job in odesk. I had finished it a while ago and started it yesterday. I was waiting for this opportunity and at last i have it now. At first, when i do the job i thought i can't finished it as i never thought that hard but it was at first. But i delivered on time and i was given a very excellent feedback. It was really a wonderful feeling that you work is appreciated. I am hoping that this will be my good opportunity to have more jobs there. I am positive and persistent to be working back online to earn and learn this year and for coming years. How about you, are you in odesk? How was your first job and your experience there?
5 responses
@ardoy0731 (7308)
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
Nice to hear that you already got your first job in odesk.Just do your best for you to finished all the jobs that you might get there.I do have account in odesk too and do visit once in a while to check if there will be available jobs that might suit in my skill and hopefully get a job to earn extra money.Good luck to your career there.
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@artauxeo (287)
• Philippines
14 Feb 12
good for you. congratulations. i hope you'll get more projects to come. i am working as a freelancer too, and have odesk account. i tried oppening other accounts on peopleperhour ang i'm earning a lot from these sites. i even resigned on my former work just to focus on working online, which gives better pay. and now, i have my own little art studio inside my house, where me and my wife can work online.
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@leinrix (490)
• Philippines
15 Feb 12
just got my job last week and finished it now at work good worth the time patience and effort and already received my payment
• Indonesia
15 Feb 12
it is same with microworker or well, i really wanna join it, but i don't have any ability with work they give.
@utopia96 (640)
• Indonesia
14 Feb 12
hi @centlly.. congrate for your first job in odesk, good luck