Where can I report a post-dated check which have already lapsed?

@cearn25 (3456)
February 19, 2012 5:28pm CST
I hope you understand my question. My mother is asking me this because a person has promised to pay us through this post-date check but then she didn't keep with her promise. She doesn't want to do this but the person is not already giving a call or text saying even though her husband has arrived already from abroad. If only she paid it then we will not go up to this point. But then we have to teach her a lesson. Her debts is almost 6 months. This will be a big trouble in case it proceed. Shall I go to a police station? How about going to the bank first where I will cashing out supposedly the check? If you can help me, thanks a lot mylotters! It will be a big help!
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5 responses
@farid01 (137)
• Indonesia
19 Feb 12
please cek what did her husband has arrived already from aboard first,, don't do anything before you cek it
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
19 Feb 12
We have already checked it my friend. We have to make some legal actions already my friend because they are already abusing our kindness and patience. They are the ones who owed us so they must take responsibility out of it.
@farid01 (137)
• Indonesia
19 Feb 12
oke let's do it, but you must know your act, it'll be make this problem fine or not?? do your best what you think, so you have to give him a deterrent effect in order not to repeat it again and no more further casualties again,, think your best and do your best
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
20 Feb 12
I am confident that this act of ours will solve the problem. Unfortunately we have to go up to this point.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
23 Feb 12
U should approach the bank because there's nothing the police can do since she's not breaking the law. Where cheque is concerned, u should go to bank first. If bank feels that u should report it to police, they would advice u to do so Besides, it's almost 6 months and it's a little late for the bank to do anything. Try asking the bank for help and act on their advice. If the money is really owed to u, police will help u.
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
2 Mar 12
We already went to the bank my friend. The teller said that we return it to the owner and tell that it doesn't have any cash. But, we don't want to return it. The cheque serves as our probable cause if ever we will go to the legal process in case they don't still pay us the total amount.
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@gjabaigar (2200)
• Philippines
20 Feb 12
If you received post-dated checks then its agreement of good faith between you and with that person as payments for the debts. Post-dated checks are good as long as there are efficient cash deposits. To exchange those post-dated checks as cash for payments. In the case of bad faith for not receiving the exchange of cash from post-dated checks, then it is already a matter of legal case of estafa. Better consult to your friendly lawyer.
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
20 Feb 12
We were in good faith from the time I received the check. My mother and I already asked legal counsel about this problem and they said what they have done is an act of swindling.
• Valdosta, Georgia
20 Feb 12
If you have the check with the number and everything on it you can call the bank every first of the month and as soon as the funds are there give the bank the check and cash it. My sister provided childcare for this girl and the girl gave her checks that kept bouncing. So my sister called the bank and told them the numbers on the check and they would tell her if there was money in there. As soon as they said there was money in the account she cashed the check. I don't know if it will work the same way with your situation or not...
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
20 Feb 12
The account holder told us that they will not fund the check. Because of that, we have to settle it legally. I hope it could be done in a nice manner but I don't think it will.
• Australia
20 Feb 12
Hi and a happy day to all! First thing you do is to confront the girl with the posted dated checks. Tell her that its her responsibility to re-issue a good one. If she borrowed you money for a long time and still not paying it, then let her sign a statement that you are collecting money with her promise to pay it as per installment or how it will be easy for her to settle obligations. Next step, if she still dont care about it, then you can take her to a community hall, wherein certain people will also talk to her about your complaint. That depends on country you live in. You cant do anything about stale posted dated checks, only re-issuing a new one will do. But in case she gave you a checks but then in return no money on account, she is letting herself fall into estafa. I would recommend you can make a statement with her promising to pay obligations. Enjoy your day!
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
20 Feb 12
We have already done those steps that you have said. But still she is like nothing about her debts on us. We should teach her a lesson. It is indeed her obligations. She must not make things hard and complicated.