
@MATT69AC (333)
United States
February 20, 2012 12:47am CST
What are your views on smoking cigars and cigarets. I for one don't think it is that bad, I know people die from it but I still seem to do it occasionally. I am not addicted I probably only smoke about one or two times a month. So what do you mylotters think about it?
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5 responses
@Mashnn (4501)
20 Feb 12
From my point of view, smoking is the worst thing you can do to your body. Everytime you smoke, you kill a small part of you.
@MATT69AC (333)
• United States
20 Feb 12
Yes but we are dieing all the time ever since we were born we are dieing slowly
@Mashnn (4501)
20 Feb 12
True, but I prefer dying naturally than dying from a lung cancer or smoke related illness.
@Lucas818 (377)
20 Feb 12
I think it's no harm to smoke one or two times a month. Smoking maybe bad for health, yet it's okay if a person is not addicted to it. There's even scientist found out that smoking in some circumstances, help to prevent the onset of various dementias. :D
@MATT69AC (333)
• United States
20 Feb 12
Wow thanks for the info :)
@Ganesh44 (5547)
• India
20 Feb 12
you smoke less or more but smoking harms health badly and it takes some time and it grows as an addiction better try to quit smoking as it harms lungs and breathing passage inside lungs so smoking is injurious to health ............... Hare Krishna Ganesh
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
20 Feb 12
Do what you want to do, it is your body after all, but respect the rights of people who don't smoke, not wanting you to smoke around you. That is the only thing I ask. Granted, some non-smokers can be worse, as some of them tend to preach about the evils of smoking, but really, they are fighting a losing battle. A battle that they won't win. I will never smoke in my life. Ever. The smell of the smoke makes me ill from afar, so I can't really imagine it directly inhaling to myself. But there are going to be other people who will do it. It is not the best habit in the world to have, mind you, but hey, its your life. Any consequences will be on your head and what vices you are in, its none of my business.
• Malaysia
20 Feb 12
People have a lot of reason to smoke.Tension or stress..some people get smoke to look macho(some teenagers)Maybe they think they can get more friend..My husband also smoking but not addicted.He say when smoking he feel more relax and it can release his tension after a busy day.But i think it not a good habit.
@MATT69AC (333)
• United States
20 Feb 12
Yeah it is nice after a long day and I mostly got it from my parents as they both smoke