How To Make $1,000 A Month Writing For Associated Content

@Lukkyr (67)
United States
March 5, 2012 7:49pm CST
Here is another article describing how college students can make money writing articles for Associated Content. This article informs us that college students can earn $1,000 a month writing articles for Associated Content. The author tries to write at least 30 articles a week.
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5 responses
@chulce (1537)
• United States
6 Mar 12
Just a warning to all of you. I have been writing for Associated Content for a very long time. There are a lot of things you need to make sure of in order to get at least that much money a month. First off, your writing has to be accepted by Associated Content. Next, you have to have good sentence structure and be able to carry on a topic. Finally, the only way to earn money most of the time through Associated Content is by views. This is difficult unless you promote your article well. Or you use one of the other methods that Associated Content offers to help get an article of yours sold. So be careful out there. There are other sites that are available as well for the freelance writer. You might want to check out;; Do the research and make sure that you have what it takes to write for the particular sites. Good Luck and Happy Writing!
@yugasini (12893)
• Secunderabad, India
6 Mar 12
hi lukkyr, it is amazing me to know that students are earning thousands of dollars in associated content site, by posting articles, really it is very nice to earn such huge amount in child hood itself,but what are they writing ,i have not guessed,let me open the link,so that i too may know something about this,have a nice day
• United States
6 Mar 12
Wow! Thats intense. I should start doing that. :) I know my college fund could defiantly use it.
• United States
6 Mar 12
Alright lukkyr. Good to have you at mylott. I will go check that out! Thanks.
• Philippines
6 Mar 12
Wow great job.If i am excellent writer, i can make that.But since i am not a good in writing,maybe i am stick here to train my self. And also other easy job like answering questions,and here.