My teacher is my classmate!

@secretbear (19448)
March 10, 2012 3:49am CST
The semester is going to end soon and the weirdness I felt for having my adviser/teacher as my classmate in one of my subjects during the start of the semester is now building up to frustration. (I am taking up my masters degree and my teacher/adviser is taking up her doctorate degree and we happened to take the same subject this semester.) It felt so weird when I learned that she was going to be my classmate. It felt so awkward! What's more awkward was that we're only four in class. So interaction was more closer. And I was not that close to my adviser. It came to a point that after class, she would ask about my plans and my thesis, if I have finished my course work, if I have a proposal already, etc. Weirdness and awkwardness started to feel like frustration. And then, instead of having a final exam, we had a group project. Now, my teacher/adviser was not only my classmate but my group mate! And all I can say is that, she's so hard to work with. She's got a lot of ideas in her head that she wants to put in our project and she kept on asking our teacher for extension of the submission deadline. We submitted late because of her. She doesn't just have too many ideas, she's also a perfectionist. .
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14 responses
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
10 Mar 12
I don't know about your country, but here, the pressure is on. For my B. S., I had to have a C in all subjects and a B or A in my Teaching Major. Then I had to have B or better for my Masters. Not sure if I went on if I would have to have an A for my Doctorate. So the pressure may be on the teacher, too. Here you get hired with a Masters and have only so long to get your Doctorate. 4 in a class can be a problem. Partners and groups can be a pain. For my Masters, my college professor got the bright Idea to put two of us with learning disabilites in the same group. That was awful and we almost failed with our first submission (by fail, I mean a C in a Masters class). So our meetings were with the tutoring center. That was frustrating. But we did pass. In my B. S. class, we had groups and the group I was in, two people started fighting and yelling. I tried to calm them down and get them back on track. In a real situation in a school, you have to work with people with very different ideas, but you have to get along for the sake of the children. I tried to create a compromise. There was no compromising with these two. They screamed at each other and stormed out. Both accusing me of taking the other side. Have I told you how much I hate groups? Not normally, but in college, I have not been very successful.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
You didn't tell me how much but I can tell. I don't hate being in a group but in this case, I wished I was working alone. This project got delayed for two weeks because of my perfectionist adviser and instead of "thank God that's over already", we had to think about that project for two weeks more. Honestly, I'm not eyeing for a very high grade for that project, it's not the sole basis of our grade. It would be okay for me if I got a passing grade for it. I just didn't want to spend so much time on it when I can spend my time on other things. Yeah, teachers are pressured to get higher degrees if they want to be promoted. But in our college, teachers had to publish a paper or else, they will "perish" from the college.
@writersedge (22563)
• United States
10 Mar 12
Oh and after the fight fiasco, that teacher wanted me to go for negociations classes. Where you learn to have different parties compromise and become a professional negociations. My response, "Yeah, that went soooo well just now, I'll run right out and do that."NOT!
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@writersedge (22563)
• United States
11 Mar 12
Publish a paper? Wow! No pressure there. Just like the A and B stuff. You may not have wanted an A, but it sounds like she did. She might be trying to maintain a 4.0 or whatever is straight A where you live. 2 more weeks on it afterward. You're probably so sick of that project that you ever want to see it again.
@adnileb (5258)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
Yikes! That was really awkward! But still hoping you could finish up your master's degree without frustrations in the end. You'll get used to her in time, don't worry. Just don't think of her as your teacher before so you can perform well in your studies. Much more, be wiser than her taking up doctorate.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
I'm just hoping she wouldn't be my classmate again in one of my future subjects! I would definitely not take that course again or something related to it in my doctorate degree.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
It would be more awkward if your former classmate is now your teacher. I mean in my case, for being in college for too long now, I fear that it won't be long until I finally get to this situation, where a former classmate would then be my teacher. I don't think I could stand being in that class. It's humiliating enough to be in college for this long, 9 years, and I don't think I could take more.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
I'm sure glad that didn't happen to me! Well, I stayed only for 4 years in college but I wanted to stay longer. It didn't cross my mind that I might run into former classmates and them being my teacher! I guess my situation is more tolerable than that scenario.
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
10 Mar 12
Wow, I had that exact problem once. There was one teacher I had in high school who was just awful and being a kid I had no idea that she hadn't completed all her units toward the teaching degree. They were letting her work and go to school at the same time. So after I graduated and started college there she was in one of my classes and I'll tell you she was really dumb. Then I started thinking, "That explains a lot."
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
Must have felt some sort of payback when you learned she was that "dumb".
@Cutie18f (9551)
• Philippines
10 Mar 12
That can be an awkward situation. I hope your teacher does not give you another group project.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
It's our second to the last project. But the last one is that we'll be holding a training so there's a fixed date for it.
• Philippines
10 Mar 12
A good experience, though it may not be the best. I understand how it felt when you were classmates. I was there before. I can sense the feeling and the drama that unfolds whenever you have interaction in your class. I can imagine how your former teacher wants to manipulate the discussion so that you will notice her cleverness. She wants probably to dominate your discussion and for you to appreciate her. At least, you had the experience and in the long run, you will remember them in your later years. Enjoy the experience.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
I don't think she dominates the class because she wants me to appreciate her. She doesn't manipulate the discussion as well. If she does, I could care less because I don't like discussions at all. It's just awkward because the adviser who advises me on what subjects to take and how to do my thesis is currently my classmate.
• United States
11 Mar 12
I guess that is a strange turn of events. But when I was going to College I had several teachers that weren't much older than I was, and many teachers in college are working on another degree at the same time as teaching, so its entirely possible to end up in a class that your teacher is taking, provided they are furthering their education at the same school. I would actually take advantage of this, especially since there aren't many students in this class. I would look to your teacher for study techniques and better understanding of the material. Since she is already a teacher, its most likely that she would have some advanced techniques, or maybe just techniques that you haven't thought of, to help you understand the material better.
@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Mar 12
That would be a very uncomfortable that I also wouldn't like! Hopefully it won't happen again in another class....
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
15 Mar 12
lol:D From teacher to classmate? It's really not easy and it's indeed awkward! What's more with only 4 of u in the class, there's no way to avoid her at all.. haha I can only wish u good luck and all the best, secret .
@dandan07 (1906)
• China
10 Mar 12
Hehe! I am one the way to take my PHD degree. But i have to been a supervisor of a master degree student in the lab. But I soon find out that we are at the same age, and she is a month older than me. To me, I have a great press, for I do not know how to deal with that. And we take Germany class together. So I decided to treat her as a friend not a student. But it is wired when she asked me to make out her research plan. I know I have the responsibility to make sure that she can finish her study, but i really want to get the same thing from others too.
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
It's easy to be friends with somebody of the same age. My adviser and I are not on the same age. She is much older than me.
@ithek15 (143)
• Philippines
10 Mar 12
that is really awkward.,lol!! but what a nice experience you know.,
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@secretbear (19448)
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
Have you experienced something like it?
• Philippines
11 Mar 12
wow! That's really awkward. Well, you can't do anything about it anymore since you really have no choice. But it's good that semester's almost over.
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• Indonesia
4 Jul 12
wow..hehe..awkward -__- I can stand it if there more than 10 students in class include my teacher if we have to stuck in the same subject, but 4 is so scare,,lol,, if theres more students atleast u can talk to others and can ignore him/her sometimes. Anyway its a good condition to test your confidence, show her/him that u also gt brilliant idea..
@maratus (184)
• Indonesia
11 Mar 12
I am so sorry to you, It must be hard in your position. I hope everything gonna be alright to you..., :D
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