If you spend over three hours on Mylot a day are you crazy?

United States
March 12, 2012 4:07pm CST
If you spend over three hours on Mylot a day are you crazy? I be bored often and off work nothing do . There were times I spent hours and hours on my lot trying to drum up my self and my business and just talking about life. But things have not improved maybe its because im spending too much time comptemplating and not doing.
5 responses
@Mashnn (4501)
13 Mar 12
Nothing crazy with spending three hours or even ten hours in Mylot. It all depends on availability and how you enjoy participating. It much productive to spend time here than even Facebook.
• United States
13 Mar 12
I agree
@victorkrish (1614)
• Malaysia
13 Mar 12
In my point of view, spending every second in mylot is very beneficial. This is why mylot is known as a an online community forum website that enrich with information. You can seek any information from here, even shared and clear you doubt from lotters here. Everyone has their own opinion and we can solve any problem even it is personal. Different country, different people but one family here to help each, making friends and earning together. I don't think so, it is crazy spend over three hours in mylot. Moreover mylot is quite different and interesting too. Earning some more learning.
• United States
13 Mar 12
Victor you are on the board or management of my lot if not they should put on there. Good words
12 Mar 12
Sometimes you can try too hard and end up with nothing.
• United States
13 Mar 12
I believe its like the arguement of big government or small government. The key is effective government size does not matter effectiveness matters. If I spend alot of time and accompolish my goals good if I dont bad.
• Lesotho
12 Mar 12
I dont think there is something wrong with you or anybody that's spending over three hours in my lot. It's anetworking site, (better yet because you get paid for participating)! I actually spend the whole day sitting on my computer and studying from posts made by people participating on myLot since I joined this past week, when I dont have other pressing matters. I am still new and studying how myLot works and will be soon participating in full force.
• United States
13 Mar 12
Time management is very important. Anyone who has a professional job and kids has things to do. Its probably a sign of depression to spend so much time on non professional pursuits.
@chicgale (2982)
• Philippines
12 Mar 12
I think it is okay to spend 3 hours here. There is nothing wrong with it.
• United States
13 Mar 12
I agree there is nothing wrong with spending time on my lot as long as you get something spiritual or emotionally tangible and there are alot of conversations and post that can help you do that.