I went to school when there is no class

March 19, 2012 4:49am CST
Today I was so excited to officially start my first day of IELTS review. So I took a bath, prepare the things I need and walk my way there because it is near our house. When I got there they inform me that we do not have a class this afternoon. I was taken a back. Huh! no class why? It so happen that the schedule they gave me has a legend on it. I neglect to read it and they neglect to inform me and explain to me about it. How will I know, its my first time joining the review. I really thought that there is a am and pm schedule as they have explained when I enrolled. Oh well, bloopers! hehe so I end up buying kwekwek ( quail eggs wrapped in flour with yummy sauce) and unripe manga with matching baguong. Have you ever been in a situation like this? How did you deal with it? What was your reaction?
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12 responses
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
There were times in college when some teacher wouldn't attend without informing the class so we would wait there for 15 to 30 minutes, and when it's clear that there is no class because of the absence of professor or instructor I would normally exclaim loudly how unfair it was because I was all excited to attend the class and the teacher just decides to be absent, in a joking tone of course and they would all laugh, knowing it was a joke. One very funny experience, perhaps not really related to this but I will relate anyway, is when I was in a real hurry to attend a class since I know I was going to be late. I left home, rode the jeepney to school, and while sitting there I realized it was Wednesday and Wednesday was our university's wash day meaning we allowed not to wear uniform. I was in a uniform and I am sure no other in our department would be. I was already late and had no time to go home and change so I just bared the look on puzzled people looking at me strangely for wearing uniform. After class, I met with my friends and laughed with them at my situation. It was really embarrassing and unforgettable for me.
@choybel (5042)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
If I wasn't already late, I would have done the same, went home and change. Anyway, I had good laughs about it so I don't really regret it now.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I do also hate waiting for the no show teachers. And I can completely understand the wash day stuff. My little bro has that in their school too and I do not know if it is only a one time incidence but I am sure it happened. He went home to change clothes because he was wearing a uniform. :P
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Well basically I became pissed off at first but eventually i ended up actually commending myself. I experienced it one time when we had a transport strike here at our place. Since my house is an hour ride going to our school, I usually wake up early. So off i went to school, got inside the room, and there our teacher announced that classes were cancelled. As i have said, I became pissed off thinking that i wasted my time,effort and money to get there. The good thing was that my teacher gave additional points to those who really came despite the strike. Afterwards, I felt good about myself.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Haha! good thing your teacher gave you those points. It is really bothersome to when unexpected things happen. We learn from it , we will continue with our lives.
@tipay26 (867)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
To tell you honestly that was embarrasing the center should have give you the right schedule so that you can manage your time wisely.Well if I was in your situation, I will not get mad it happens were not perfect I will just go somewhere else and forget about the incident and I will check on my schedule so that it won't happen again honestly it's a waste of time and energy but it can be fun also because I can go to places because of it. :)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I was not embarrass at that time, more of frustrated. I do work in a shifting environment. And yes when I learned that they do not have an am and pm schedule on the same day on some days made me sad. I have to manage my time and I think I will waste many days, not being able to review. Well, I have to live with that fact and adjust again.
• India
19 Mar 12
hello. it happened to me just a couple of days ago. i thought there was school that day. i went through bus and i went to school. when i reached there i was shocked.. there was something of meeting was there. teachers told me that there was no school. i felt so sad . there was no bus to go to my home that time. my house was near. there was one shortcut and i walk all the way to my home..
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Well, it is sad sometimes if we are not updated with the information. It maybe be the school or our fault but we can do nothing about it now. We just have to be more aware next time and not be careless to prevent it from happening again. Imagine getting up so early and going there only to find out there was no class. Glad your home is near the school, like mine.
@yahnee (1243)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Am I right that you are trying to improve your English communication skills? That is very good then especially when you are thinking of relocating to North America or Britain perhaps. What interest me so much is the sour mango. I would love to have one with the spicy sauce. I also love the kwek kwek. You just gave me a very good idea for my supper tonight.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Yes you are right I am trying to improve my English communication skills. I plan to work abroad because I think I will be justly compensated in my field of work than in our country. Filipinos do crave for sour mango from time to time :D I just remember my friend's stepdad who is a foreigner doctor. He made a statement while me and my friend was eating unripe mangoes with with s little salt in it. "Oh this is why many Filipinos are hypertensive":P haha Eating salt:P
@TheIzers (680)
19 Mar 12
oh dear... I hope it won't stop you being motivated. I am sure you have better day at IELTS. It never happened to me before but I saw it once and it's all just little misunderstanding. well hopefully your kwekwek and unripe manga will make your day.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
It wont stop me from learning. It is just a minor set back on my plans because I will not be able to attend this weeks review lesson. Another thing is the holy week is coming and no classes on those days. I will have to do it on my own to improve more during those days. I do not want to be behind from my own time frame. That's how determined I am. The food did make my frustrations go away.
@adhyz82 (36249)
• Indonesia
19 Mar 12
its okay daz.. i respect your motivation for taking a class if you are bored because of that situation, make your heart did not boring and angry.. maybe mylot can reduce your anger
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Well I was not really angry, just frustrated with the time wasted. :( thanks for commenting.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I have my own fair share of these situations. I go to prepared and out to brace the day and the world, and it turns out that I have done so in the wrong date or wrong time. when I do realize this fact, I also get irritated with myself and I do blame a portion to my self and to others. But I cannot undone what I already did. So to compensate, so to speak, I try to learn about my new surrounding or stop to think about things going on my life. After some time, I leave with perhaps a purpose for the day and sometimes, in my life. Of course, I get some sort of reward for myself before I get back to my reality.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Yeah, I have to learn to do that. Maybe I was just excited to let the balls rolling. Good thing it did not totally ruin my mood just the time frame I set for myself to achieve what I want. But this is life we do adjustment from time to time to accommodate the unexpected.:P
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
If it is the center's fault, I would be annoyed. But since there is nothing you can do,eating kwek-kwek and unripe mango is a good way to treat yourself for being disappointed.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Like you said, there is nothing I can do about it. So I just did something to even out the disappointment. And eating street foods does make me happy. :D
@flapiz (22697)
• United Kingdom
19 Mar 12
Well if I were in your place, I would have been furious. I have quite a temper and I hate being disappointed. Hahaha. It's good that you are a good sport and you didn't let your temper get the best of you. By the way I love kwekkwek and unripe mango. You make me hungry. LOL.
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Hahaha!!! I hope when I get there , the class wont be suspended or have any reason for the class to be cancelled. And the food were my only consolation. :P
@Aja103654 (5646)
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
Oh, I think it's a perfect time to go somewhere and enjoy myself instead. It's a real shame that they forgot to inform you about something so important. It's better for you to find a good friend who is also taking IELTS classes who you can always go with and ask questions about the review. I love kwek kwek too! It's been a while since I last ate one. -sigh- I'm hungry...
• Philippines
19 Mar 12
I cant go enjoy myself because I am also saving my money for the testing fee but I am treating myself for the food. Sad to say I do not have anybody at the moment who want to take the review at the same time. Si I have to do it on my own and make sure next time I will not have that kind of incident.
@myzhian (584)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
I have also experienced this when I am still attending school. I thought we have a class that time and some dance group practice. But I was so surprise yet I feel so stupid for myself.LOL.