Does Factoidz Only Accept New Content?

@Lukkyr (67)
United States
March 19, 2012 1:18pm CST
Do any of you write for Factoidz? Do they publish articles that have been published or do they have to be new articles? Triond only publishes new articles but you can publish them on other sites after they are published on Triond. Do you have any tips for writing for Factoidz?
1 response
@abhi_bangal (4433)
• Ahmednagar, India
21 Mar 12
In fact, Factoidz has now become Knoji - its the new name for their site. Anyways, now to your answer. If you have topics to republish articles, then I am sorry my friend, you have ran out of your luck. Until some days ago, Factoidz - I mean to say Knoji, did accept articles which were published earlier. However, according to their new policies, they do not accept already published articles anymore. By the way, are you looking for sites where you want to publish your content again?
@Lukkyr (67)
• United States
27 Jun 12
Yes, I am. Triond only accepts new material. ExpertsColumn, Helium and Content Caboodle accept articles that have already been published. Do you know if Shvoong accepts articles that have already been published?