play basketball

Palembang, Indonesia
March 22, 2012 11:23am CST
Basketball is a sport ball in groups consisting of two teams each consisting of five people who compete with each other to score points by putting the ball into the opponent's basket. Additionally, basketball is easy to learn because it forms a large ball, so it is not difficult for players when bouncing or throwing the ball. but that was annoying, from the past until now I never could play basket.itu very annoying. I also had a dream in love with wnita beautiful, sexy, because it's a lot of basketball players in love with a beautiful woman. :) hehe Therefore I want to be able to play basketball, can anybody help me? how to learn to play basketball in an easy to learn ..
3 responses
@lakantar (1573)
• Greece
23 Mar 12
Well the only way to get better at basketball is by practicing. You don't need to be on team just go to your neighborhood's/city's field and play with others. as the time pasts you'll become for sure. :)
@lakantar (1573)
• Greece
23 Mar 12
*you'll become better for sure
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
I suggest you try practice ball handling, dribbling and shooting at close range. That will be your first goals this time and then you can move forward after that. Try to watch videos at youtube, there are many basketball tips that you can learn out there.
• Palembang, Indonesia
22 Mar 12
OK friend, you are very good suggestions. I've done that too, but only a few parts that I could do. :) I need a coach who could teach me to play basketball.
@mensab (4200)
• Philippines
22 Mar 12
let me suggest that you buy a basketball to practice dribbling and be comfortable with the ball. i will also suggest to watch basketball games in youtube with your favorite players so that you will be inspired watching their remarkable games and skills. afterwards, play on a basketball court. join a team to practice your skills. play harder and practice often. you'll see your skills improve tremendously.