Do you think someone should dominate in a relationship or not ?

@vertu007 (683)
March 28, 2012 12:28pm CST
I think that it's important in a relationship to be on equal terms with your partner not to make the other one think inferior. A lot of people I know try to dominate the other one, both girls and boys. I don't really understand that need to be in control all the time. What about you ? Equal terms or domination ? :)
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12 responses
• United States
29 Mar 12
I think that a relationship should be a partnership, and I don't think that anyone should dominate in a relationship. I think that relationships should be as equal as possible.
• Philippines
29 Mar 12
No dominating in a relationship. No one is superior nor inferior. Both are equally important. However, there is this natural thing that happens in a relationship. Someone has to lead. There are times that the man leads but there are also some times when the woman lead. In some areas, man is to be followed. In another, it is wiser to follow the woman.
• India
15 Jul 12
All relationships are dynamic. In today"s young generation I do believe people need to become dominant as it would help communicate your needs without having to worry about suffering the repercussions from your partner. Being dominant means not grabbing all the control but trying to guide the relationship and being able to express how you feel either discontentment or happiness suggests you stand your ground and dignified.
@annavi23 (6522)
• Philippines
29 Mar 12
Of course it should be equal. Both has to have leveled with each other. It's a give and take situation so better understanding have to be developed. It's better to love those who really understoods and appreciates you than those who can easily throw you away. By dominating, it is more like telling the other one that he or she is more powerful than the other and the other one has no right to speak at all when it comes to decision making. It can be hurtful that it may seem like one is being the king or queen and the other one is the slave. Or it can be the boss and the employee. I think both has to be more kind to each other. Having loved is much more appreciated when you know you are being valued.
@nezavisima (7408)
• Bulgaria
29 Mar 12
I love the man beside me to give me equal rights to respect the opinion mzi and I his. I do not like links in which some dominate. then the connection is to listen and obey commands like a good and obedient puppy. this is not for me I like to have equal conditions and equal rights but everything else equal. interesting discussion. nice day!
@cearn25 (3456)
• Philippines
29 Mar 12
In my relationship with my boyfriend, nobody is superior or who tries to dominate any situation. Although sometimes there should be somewhat act like a leader when it comes to decision making. It is not easy to occupy both domination and equality. It is important that no matter what will happen, there should be love and respect.
• India
29 Mar 12
I don't think so about this matter. In my case it is not that. I think in relationship it is not good thing. Relationship is a believe, love. It is not a domination. Have a nice day.
@maezee (41996)
• United States
28 Mar 12
I also agree that it's a partnership, a team effort, but at the same time I also believe someone usually wears the 'pants' in the relationship - whether that be the guy or the girl. It's just natural, I guess. Some people are naturally more controlling/aggressive, and others more passive-aggressive or just plain passive. Some people even like to have the other person control everything. Others are just plain even. I am a pretty laid back person, I guess passive-aggressive could be the word for it. I wouldn't mind having the other person in control...As long as we don't conflict over what they are controlling or trying to! Anyways I feel like all couples are different and there really isn't or shouldn't be a "right" or "wrong" way to go - it all depends on both of the couple's perosnalities. Happy MyLotting!
• Philippines
29 Mar 12
Of course there should be equal terms in a relationship because if there is domination in a relationship, the relationship might not work out.
@kedralynn (980)
• United States
28 Mar 12
I think a relationship is a partnership. Both parties should be equal when it comes to making decisions and the like. Now one person may be better at certain things and another may be good at different things. They should bring their strengths together. Like my boyfriend is a good handy man, he works on cars, and he makes more money. So he's in charge of house repairs, paying the bills, and keeping the cars maintained. I'm good at cooking and cleaning, so I do that. But when it comes to who's in charge, well that's both of us. I wouldn't run out and buy a new car or start a new career without discussing it with him and the same goes for him. We're in it together!
• Philippines
28 Mar 12
In my personal opinion, it is a partner's preference. I have seen many couples that worked well together when one is leading - usually the man. I also have seen some where they have equal leadership in their relationship. I think that if one is the leader, it doesn't necessarily mean that the other is inferior. In a relationship where one is inferior and treated being inferior, it doesn't work well in the long run. Therefore, it is best to determine which is best for both partners. I'm not an expert but that's how I see it right now in my perspective. Good day.
29 Mar 12
Equal doesn't mean everybody gets the same amount of control. What if someone is submissive natured and is expected to make decisions they aren't comfortable with all the time in the name of equality? Or what if someone with a very dominant personality is expected to sit back and let the other person do an equal share of everything? It is all about the couple involved. My boyfriend and I are "equals" with very little power struggle, but sometimes we let the other act as "The Boss". We are quite happy this way.
• Philippines
28 Mar 12
Equals terms is really ideal, but it's not the reality. Sometimes, there are some situations that one should really step up. The simplest example would be: You and your boyfriend goes out on a date. Then you should choose what movie you will watch. Then the boy will ask Boy: honey what movie will we watch? Girl: whatever you want honey you decide Boy: what movie do you wanna see? Girl: Whatever you like, is fine with me arrgggggh! That is just on example right? I know a lot of mylotters are guilty about it =)