Scrabble vs Words with Friends

United States
March 31, 2012 8:31pm CST
I play both games, but I like that Scrabble has a built-in dictionary and keeps a running tally of words played and points scored. It also allows me to rearrange the tiles in alphabetical order, which I prefer. It's basically the same game, or the same concept, with a different set up of the board. Do you have a preference? If so, why? How often do you play? I typically log in twice daily during the weekdays to play my turn and several times on Saturady and Sunday to take a turn. how about you?
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4 responses
@Torunn (8607)
• Norway
3 Apr 12
I play scrabble on facebook, I haven't tried Words with Friends of Wordfeud, mainly because Wordfeud is better on smartphones than on a PC and my mobile phone is not really a phone, it's a torch :-) Which every now and then manages to send a message. Scrabble is great fun though, especially when I beat all my English friends :-) None of them have taken up the challenge to play in Norwegian yet though!
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@johndur (3052)
• Pasig, Philippines
1 Apr 12
i would prefer scrabble because im used to it already...but if words can offer more exciting game i would love to give it a try...
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• United States
1 Apr 12
I would have to say Scrabble because I'm old school, and many of my friends love Scrabble. Then again, we are all English majors, so Scrabble is our cup of tea.
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• India
13 Jun 12
Hello my friend Bethany1202 Ji, Well, I always play with my grand children at home and never on net. I make tehir vocabulaory rich. May God bless You and have a great