"if you love someone set him/her free?

@rozilynf (140)
April 2, 2012 6:40am CST
do you think it's really love if you set free your love one? What if you just forcing you self trying to set him/her free?
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2 responses
@toniganzon (72279)
• Philippines
10 Apr 12
If that person doesn't love me back then i would really set him free. And if loving each other would hurt us more rather than help us grow then i would set him free as well. But when i know how much we love each other, no matter how whard the situation is if i know that we can make it and we would be happy, there's no way i would set him free.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
2 Apr 12
It's a true statement. If you really and truly love someone then the only way it can ever work is if they love you back freely and without restrictions. Remove all the controls. It can be equated to trusting your dog outside without a leash and just knowing that he will stay there even when given all the free will to walk or run away. 100% trust