Sometimes cooking makes you feel SO well!!!

@marguicha (221994)
April 6, 2012 4:17pm CST
Yesterday I picked some of my hot peppers. They were a peruvian kind so I wasn´t sure just how hot they would be. First I thought I´d blend them with olive oil but then I started to get enthused with new ideas. I cut them up, had olive oil zizzling hot and dumped them there with a bay leaf, garlic and a cube for taste. I took away the solids, heated the pot again and threw in an onion in julienne. I stir everything and added vinegar. I put it in a jar, but yesterday I ate the oil left in the pot with bread. It was heaven!!! It´s very hot, but I can imagine some dishes where I can use it in small amounts. Wraps and burritos could be one of them. What do you think? Any ideas? Have you ever cooked something that made you congratulate you? My mom says I always expect applause, but this is one time when I deserve it
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14 responses
@savypat (20216)
• United States
7 Apr 12
Well if you wait around for the world to give you a pat on the back , you'll wait forever, but who said you couldn't look in the mirror and give yourself one. Go for it, you'll feel better and beside you get to enjoy the fruits of your labor. Blessings.
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@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
23 Apr 12
I do that all the time, pat! I know I can´t wait for the world to applaud my accomplishments. So I had to tell myself that I was a genious after I made that hot pepper sauce. The mirror is wonderful, specially if you are not wearing your glasses.
@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
8 Apr 12
Yes, it is great to be a bit creative when cooking. I have detected coconut oil last year and have used it since then in cooking, as it keeps good even when heated. Most times I use it with water - to keep the food more healthy, as frying can destroy both carbs and protein. I also use cold pressed coconut oil with cold dishes - don´t want to destroy it with heating. It is very good for health. There is some info on the net about it - just make a search..
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@buenavida (9984)
• Sweden
23 Apr 12
The coconut oil is new in Sweden, and I earlier used to think that it was not that good as it is a saturated fat. But I have read more about it and learned that those who use it in big amounts have amost no heart problems. Virgin olive oil is great to use on food that is already cooked and is a bit colder when on the plate. I sometimes pour it directly from the bottle over the food. Sunflower oil can also be cold pressed and used the same way. Happy cooking to you..
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
23 Apr 12
Since I´ve been here, I have heard a lot about coconuts. Coconut oil, coconut milk and other parts of the fruit are used for cooking. We don´t have coconuts where I live and canned coconut milk (for instance) is very expensive. I didn´t even know there was coconut oil. We use mainly sunflower oil and I also use a lot of olive oil.
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@drannhh (15219)
• United States
7 Apr 12
That sounds so good! Well, I do not see any harm in expecting applause, just so long as you do not sulk if you don't get it! I would applaud this meal if you cooked it for me!
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@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
23 Apr 12
Fortunatly, I´m not a sulker. I have too many flaws as it is, as to have that one too. But I believe that people should notice what others do good and not only dwell on what you did wrong. In my culture is is very usual to show to children everything they did wrong, but seldom applaud the good things. And that goes on forever.
@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
19 Apr 12
I love cooking too, yet, I am not a big fan of hot peppers, I have tried the peruvian kind, maybe is the same kind you mention. The most creative I ever get with hot pepers was to include them in my mango-chocolate cake, it started as an experiment, but, now, I really love the taste, this mixture of hot and sweet is really surprisingly good: I don´t like to each hot chillis alone, only did once, while in Mexico some years back.
@albto_568 (1268)
• Costa Rica
22 Apr 12
We have several varieties too, I have never heard this "ají cristal", Why do you call it that way?, I like hot peppers in some food, but I do eat them so much, and always keep away from the hotter ones.
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@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
23 Apr 12
In our part of the world we don´t use the word "chile" (probably of Mayan or Aztec origin) but the word "ají" (from Perú probably?). The adjective alludes to the colour. It is a light green colour, almost transparent. The ají is big as compared to others so it´s eaasy to stuff them and not so hot when eating them.
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
20 Apr 12
THere are several kinds of hot peppers. In my country we have a very mild hot pepper called "ají cristal". I make stuffed chiles with those. I stuff them with cheese and the bread them and fry them. This type I made now is a much hotter chile. Mexican also have a wide variety of chiles.Not all of them are too hot.
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@kellyjeanne (1576)
• United States
8 Apr 12
I just loved reading about your creativity in the kitchen! And it got me hungry! I've never been much for cooking, but, once in awhile when I'm in the kitchen I am proud of the little bit of expertise! Happy cooking! Purrs, Catwoman=^..^= & Mija
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@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
23 Apr 12
I love to cook. And now I´m having more bun than ever because last year I was for months on a strickt diet due to my chemo. Now I can eat anything and I must confess I do
@NailTech (6874)
• United States
6 Apr 12
Yea I have a few favorite recipes I have loved to cook and they out wonderful. I make some chicken flavored buttered rice from a mix and throw in the oven some chicken breaded cutlets for example. Then make some veggies for me with it. There's pork chops and also meatloaf that I like to bake. I like some vegetarian foods as well.
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@ajithlal (14716)
• India
24 Apr 12
I think there are lots of veggie food that we can try available in net. I think it is great to try different food of different places once in a while.
@ajithlal (14716)
• India
22 Apr 12
I also think cooking is fun and one can try different recipes. Now a days lots of good recipes available in the internet that one can look to make good cooking. I also like cooking very much and try different recipes in the internet. I think with little imagination one can make lots of good recipes.
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
23 Apr 12
I love to see recipes at the internet. I don´t usually follow a recipe, but I like to get ideas from the pictures.. I have also learned how to use some spices there.
@alottodo (3056)
• Australia
7 Apr 12
It sounds delicious! I guess you can use some to a pasta dish or to add flavour to soups, rice any thing really! actually I read your post earlier today and it motivated me to do something new as well...I had some smoked haddock in the fridge which I use to make kedgeree on good fridays but because I was on my own I did not bother to make but tonight I thought I would make some fritters with it! and they turn out very good and I'm pleased with my self!
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
13 Apr 12
I remember years ago we ate smoked haddock as is, as appetizers over French baguette and with just some olive oil.
@laken02 (3065)
• United States
7 Apr 12
as a matter of fact yes.. tonight was really good for me.. me and hubby after yard work grilled out, we had baked bean we made together ok he made i stirred lol but we had cream style corn , grilled hamburgers, and griled chicken , and we put a big pot of cabbage on to boil for eating later.. everything was homemade and very good.. the baked beans were heaven.. im stuffed now lol.. so even though we made it together i made sure to tell him how good it was.. everthing even the grilled stuff.. he was pleased as well..
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
13 Apr 12
There´s nothing that a cook likes better that to have his/her cooking applauded. My mom says I´m full of vanity because I say I´m a very good cook, but I repeat what my friends say and they love to come for diner.
@preethaanju (3000)
• India
7 Apr 12
Yes cooking is a nice way of relaxing.I have tried this many times. Infact i used to cook for all the guests who used to come to our house. Now lately its no so.But i still love cooking.
• Philippines
7 Apr 12
Oh yes!!!! my family usually tells me..I kinda cook some extraordinary dish,sometimes I kind of experimenting on them but It always comes out good and sometimes I don't even have to use or buy new ingredients as I usually use left over shrimp cooked in garlic,jalapeno peppers & soda then garnish with leeks..simple dish yet irresistible for my family.Left over fish will be shredded,saute in onions & garlic & oyster sauce and then wrap in scrambled eggs and my daughter loves it and lots of different dishes too. And I always feel happy especially seeing them all enjoying what I cook with big smile on their faces..
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
23 Apr 12
I have discovered that many times leftovers turn into better dishes when you add creativity. Some time ago, a mylotter asked here about what sort of cookbook would we want to write and what would be its name. I responded "The art of cooking with leftovers"
@lifes97 (884)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Apr 12
hi there, yes i think you many right yes, sometimes cooks things make you feel better and happy and so on, even if you are happy, cooking make some women or men even happy and enjoy time, you are thinking right and i agree about cooking thing if we are talking about sweety things
@smilemoon (766)
• United Arab Emirates
7 Apr 12
Yes, if I want to changes some of the rotines, am trying to cook something and enjoy my time too.
• Philippines
7 Apr 12
hi there! yes i agree with you. cooking makes me feel well sometimes. I just go to the kitchen and experiment with what food are available, and tuhduh! it gets me into exciting stuffs!
@marguicha (221994)
• Chile
13 Apr 12
I love to do something new and that´s what this was. Now I´m in the stage of eating it and it´s so awesome that I´m afraid I´ll have to make more to invite my friends