When life suddenly end

April 8, 2012 10:28pm CST
Just recently, we celebrated the Resurrection of Christ and yet unexpected news came to me early this morning. My Godfather who is very much close to me and my family, died of a heart attack last night. It struck me because few days ago, he is very lively upon sharing some talks and advises about family. He should have been so excited today because of their 30th wedding anniversary and the surprises that his children are preparing and yet his life suddenly end before this day came. What would it be when life suddenly end? A devastating and indescribable feeling of great loss would be for the bereaved family. But what would it be for the one who left in which this material life suddenly ended for him? We've never been there but probably we may have some regrets that we never have the chance to fulfill unfinished businesses and especially we don't have even a single minute to express how valuable are those who are with us. When will, we are going to ask this to ourselves?Is it by during that time when life suddenly end...
4 responses
@leighz (456)
9 Apr 12
We can never question why God does things. There's always a reason for everything, no matter how tragic or sudden an ending of a life could be. All we can do is thanked God for granting your godfather a well lived life on earth. As well as for being an instrument for other people to enjoy their lives. Surely, he will be missed by his family and extended family. Instead, let's celebrate his new life in heaven and pray that he watches over his love ones and guide them always.
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14 Apr 12
yes i agree with you..Indeed, there's always a reason for everything. We have his memories of goodness to cherish.
@leighz (456)
14 Apr 12
Glad to hear that. He must really have been a good person to have such loving family. I wish you all well.
20 Apr 12
thanks leighz.
@Extourmed (191)
• Bulgaria
9 Apr 12
Sorry for your lost donghski. I'm sure your godfather is in a better place right now and I'm sure that he knows that you all loved him and that he was very valuable for your family. That's live and it goes on. You should be charitable about the moments that you have with your godfather. Sometimes we regret of not doing a lot of things we should do, but when we want to do it - it's just too late. We should be grateful for the things we have and appreciate it.
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14 Apr 12
thanks Extourmed for that comforting thoughts of yours, his memories will always be remembered.
@lowyder (282)
• Canada
9 Apr 12
I;d like to say sorry to you and your family for your loss , we Also lost our great grandmother last year she was only in her 60's and was very dear and close it is very hard hole to fill when they are there everyday and then just all of sudden the stories stop and life changes things will get better thou it dont look that way now god and your grandfather will be there with you just think of the footprints verse ..it's litterly the best verse out of the book that makes total sense because when you think ther not there is when there spirit is with you the most and tho wont see the footprints there will only be one because they were carrying you the whole time through the hard times and it is just very hard to see and belive this but once you do it makes total sense and im not religious but i belive in god and i belive this is so true.. best of luck donghski my regards and best wishes go out to your family and loved ones .sorry for your loss keep your head up and things will get better down the road just know he loved you!! Sincerly Sorry \ Low!
20 Apr 12
thanks for your sympathy lowyder and comforting message.
• Philippines
9 Apr 12
When life suddenly ends, then it would be of great gain. Great gain only for those who have a prepared mansion up there in heaven, and a great loss to someone who never made a decision to be with God when they die. The most important thing in life is to know why we are created and where do we want to spend our eternity when life here on earth is done. Life is just like a flower that blooms today and fades tomorrow. It is also liken into a vapor that appears for a little time and vanish away.
14 Apr 12
Yes i agree with you. Its also a personal reflection if i am truly prepared on the moment when i'm going to face God. Indeed, we should be thankful of the Gift of life that we are having in this Earth because we still have given a chance to repent for our sins, forgive for those who sins us also and to correct everything we've done in the past.