Bed time stories for my son

April 21, 2012 11:32am CST
i ve got a three year old son who is asking me tell stories every day. It may seem a natural thing. But he keeps asking for new stories every instance. i am so out of my creativity. he loves Elephants, Tigers and rabbit stories. he does not want me to read it from a book. Recently, he insists me telling stories even for feeding, bathing, dressing up etc. could anyone here can help?
2 responses
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
21 Apr 12
Maybe if you could incorporate the things that has happened to him throughout the day more or less into a rabbit/tiger/elephant story, it would be nice :).
• India
22 Apr 12
I try to do that. But he signs and says rabbit or elephant please. I don`t know why they excite him so much. May be cartoon channels make him think in such a way or may be his pre school friends. He never takes compromises, instead he would simply say give me what i want.. I know its not good for him. Yet you cannot control childrens especially pre schoolers in that way.
• United States
21 Apr 12
dear, Do you know the story of Peter Rabbit?Try telling a summary of your favorite stories and base a story off of that.Or tell him kinda a story of himself and let him make it up {for example saying "there was a little boy named ____ he loved to ____and his birthday was coming up.he asked for ____" as an example.My mother always did that for me when i was growing up and who knows,he might be a writer when he grows up!
• India
21 Apr 12
Thanks for reply. I will surely try that. I too want my son be very creative. once again thanks.