cash gopher?

April 29, 2012 12:37pm CST
hi friends,have you used cash gopher for your earnings,whats your views regarding the cash gopher and the suggestions are welcome.
1 response
@nahtan09 (140)
• Philippines
30 Apr 12
I installed the CashGopher's software hoping it would work like MBC's and would earn me some extra cash. After a day or two, I decided to uninstalled the software because it seems like nothing is happening. Maybe because it's offers are Geo - Targeted which are in favor for those who live in US or UK. My suggestion is to pass CashGopher unless you live in either US or UK but I am hearing that even those people who live in the said countries dont really earn that much.
• India
30 Apr 12
hi nahtan thanx for the reply,may be as you said its a Geo-targeted software ever i came to know what is cashgopher.