life ain't bad at all???

May 2, 2012 4:04am CST
It's always a relief coming back to mylot and just be able to see what's happening around... well at least it helps me stop looking at my own issues for an hour or so lol. life goes on as they say even when it does give you the sour side, we move on and expect a better day. in a world where bills keep coming when you've just paid it. when troubles comes popping out of nowhere and jolts you out of your chair once in awhile, it is important to keep grounded. to stay positive amidst all the mishaps. the world is not a perfect place to live but there are those perfect moments in our lives we can hold on dearly that would remind us that life ain't that bad at all!
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8 responses
• Philippines
2 May 12
Hello candyfair21, I agree with you on this. Positivism is an important aspect of my life right now as it is what keeps me sane. Life around us can be daunting as challenges occurs from time to time. And sometimes it can really get tiring. However, instead of looking on things which can further bring me down, I always choose to see things in a way that it will remind me how wonderful it is that I am still alive.
• Philippines
8 May 12
cheers to you ladyhemingway! we have to stay positive or else we could go insane this chaotic world and we have loads of problems to face each day nothing beats hope, faith, love and a positive outlook in life!
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
3 May 12
Life is only what we personally make of it in the end. If we personally just zero in right on the bad things in life, just letting the negativity get a hold of us, then yes, life would be something that would be considered bad. It would be considered to be just a never ending pit of misery and woe, if we just focused on all of the bad that happened to us. However, misery is something that we bring upon ourselves, by dwelling on the things that happened in the past. Rather than focusing on the good things that can happen once again, in the not so distant future and have happened. A little positivity and really when you think about it, no matter how bad life can be, it can be far worse. So there is that.
• United States
2 May 12
Life isn't really all that bad if you make it an effort to keep it from being all that bad.
@BarBaraPrz (46175)
• St. Catharines, Ontario
2 May 12
Any day the sun's shining is a good day. Unfortunately, it's foggy here today, and I'm not getting new discussion alerts (again) from myLot so have to hunt them down on my own...
@stanley777 (9402)
• Philippines
2 May 12
yes, life isn't bad all the time- having problems is what makes us look at life more meaningfully. if there were no problems we wouldn't appreciate life more. Hope for a better tomorrow is what keeps us going- if we lose that, we lose out life.
• Philippines
2 May 12
Definitely! Life may not be perfect, There are some ups and downs in life. But what matters most is that we can still laugh at it when we are down. Let's just go with the flow and have some faith with God.
• Bangalore, India
2 May 12
Yes I am completely agree with you that I also have same feeling about mylot.It gives relief to me and helps to forget my problems for sometime also.The next important thing is that I can find solution to my problem on any topic which are very important and proved their importance in my life.Mylotters here are very friendly and they will give you a guanine advice that's why it is very good concept to spend some time daily on mylot.
• Russian Federation
2 May 12
life is not bad at all. there are lots of bad days butthat is not a bad life. mylot do evrything for me to entertain, to get a life. it is very important. i gain some experience.