Is showing off one of human natures?How should we treat this?

@welkin (106)
May 8, 2012 9:24am CST
These days something come to my find,from what I've seen these days.I can't help thinking the question,is showing off one of human natures? Showing off is different from sharing,isn't it?One of my roommates seems very used to doing this.Though it seems that he himself hasn't realized the thing.He usually tries to show us how successful he is.But the truth is that it turns out to be a failure almost every time.I try to ignore him when he does this again and again.But when the same thing happens,I still have a feeling of disgust. I know I shouldn't be bothered by this problem.But shouldn't we be a bit humbler when we are even not certain whether we can do it? So,friends,how do you think of this question?
3 responses
@Dominique25 (9464)
• United States
9 May 12
With being imperfect people have the tendency to think more of themselves than is necessary. Which in reality it should be the complete opposite. We shouldn't think that we are better than others or try to out show others. It is good that you try to ignore your roommate. Some people are like that and it takes some time for them to mature in that area.
@welkin (106)
• China
10 May 12
You're right,friend.Becoming a mature person takes some time,sometimes it's a pretty long time.In the process of our life,we might often encounter people like this.Ignoring them at a appropriate time is what we should learn. Actually when I succeed in ignoring such people,I feels much better.Sometimes it's really better ignoring than seeing,isn't it? Thanks for saying this,my friend.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 May 12
Yeah it takes some people quit a long time to mature. Some people I don't think they ever really reach a mature state. Like individuals who are older and party all the time and have taken no responsibility for their actions. It is sad when we see that we ourselves are more mature than individuals who should be.
@factorial (977)
• Philippines
8 May 12
I am a teacher and I hate if a student is showing off to his/her classmates that he/she is the brightest in the class. So what I'm doing is to tell the entire class to give others the chance to recite or solve a particular problem on the board.
@welkin (106)
• China
8 May 12
Hello,friend,I have a feeling that such a person always belongs to either the group of genius ones or the group of very stupid ones. In my mind,if you are good enough,it's OK to show your ability to others.But if you're not able to succeed in doing what you've claimed to others,that's too stupid.Unfortunately,most of the people who like to show off belong to the latter group. Anyway,we should not be influenced by such people.I also know I should keep positive instead of negative attitude to these things. Thanks for your sharing!
@doroffee (4222)
• Hungary
8 May 12
I think partly it is, just there are some people who are going to suppress it or don't wanna hurt other people. But yeah, I guess it is. I guess some kinds of showing up are more repulsive, bebecause they are about things like beauty and money that some people just can't have, but there are lots of people who are showing off other values like how good their relationship is, how smart they are and so on and so forth.