
May 9, 2012 3:54am CST
Hi guys!I'm new 'round here and I'm wondering if the thing with earning money is for real.I mean I would really enjoy to make some earnings because I'm really tight on money now.I've been looking for a lot of easy ways to earn some money because my time doesn't allow me to have a real job.I would be greatful for some answers! Have a nice day people!
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6 responses
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
9 May 12
This is great site and does reward its members for participation. I do not think there is any easy money. That is an illusion. You have to work for it. You need to be persistent, spend time, research lots of opinions and make correct choices.
• Romania
9 May 12
Well I know they're not easy money but I was wondering if what I've heard like we get pay if you stick around it's real. Thank you for your answer!:D
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
9 May 12
Nothing is easy in this world. You have to work hard, to get money. MyLot is a very good site. You'll get an interesting experience, if you enjoy being on MyLot. You also no reason to doubt MyLot. MyLot will pay you, according to what you do on MyLot.
@Dymo75 (340)
• New Zealand
9 May 12
All very good words. Unfortunately for me, I don't have the time to spend so much on myLot. That means my account gets dilapidated. So now, I just use it to talk with people. But aside from that, it seems very true that you'll earn here as long as you put the time and effort. Just don't expect a second income!
• Australia
10 May 12
You won't get rich here, but if you learn to use the site properly you can make good pocket money for having a good time. But let's be realistic: if you're here only for the money I can only suggest you go out and get a job. Lash
• Philippines
10 May 12
I strongly with you grandpa lash, we won't get rich here, it's supposed to be fun and the earnings are just freebies that can get from the site. but for me, it's a cool place for me to earn some thing and save some earnings. indeed, getting a job is more important than sticking to mylot more.
@carolbee (16230)
• United States
9 May 12
Welcome to myLot. I've been a member for almost 6 years. Has been a fun time, interesting and does pay. I've earned over the years but will never get rich since I don't have the time to be online all the time. I respond to many more discussions then actually starting discussions. I believe there is more money to be made if you start a discussion, have many responses and you then again respond to your responses. Add photos too when you can and that will earn a little bit more for you. Good luck and happy myLotting.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
9 May 12
Hi Videnom, Welcome to Mylot. This is a great place that you can earn some extra cash on and have a good time getting to know people from all over the world. The first thing you should do is read the faqs and guidelines,paying extra close attention to the "DON"TS". Getting discussions and comments deleted will just frustrate and lose you money. Hope you do well and hope to see you around on here!
@annierose (21376)
• Philippines
9 May 12
Mylot is a legit site and many can prove it to you. One great evidence is the number of post many mylotters have beside their username. You can also check how long they are a member here. I have been in mylot for four years and I really enjoy this site. However, if you want to earn money fast, you have to look for other jobs. I don't think so that there are easy ways to earn money online. There might be easy work but the earnings might just be few cents only. If you have other computer skills, it will be an advantage to you. You can work as a freelance. You just have to be patient in doing some research.
• Romania
9 May 12
Oh I see, but you being here for four years I guess you earned up some money, didn't you? Thank you for your advice!
• Philippines
10 May 12
Hello videnom, Welcome to mylot dear, and i can tell you by experience that mylot truly pays as i had been paid since the day i joined here. Just remember to follow the guidelines and avoid picking up a fight with any one. any person who starts a foul or word wars are subjected to deletion. Nope, am not the admin, but they will see it and have it deleted. repeated attempts will banned you're account. people here are friendly and golly too. i have made real friends here. Have a nice day. not a referral link.