Does anyone here have a Tumblr blog?

United States
May 12, 2012 9:43pm CST
I just started my Tumblr blog. It has no restrictions thank goodness. If you look up the words "banned Google blogspot" or banned "Google Adsense" you'll see that it has become a trend. But blogspot is not the only blog you can get banned from easily. Anyway is anyone else here unseeing Tumblr? If so maybe we can add or follow each other on there. It would be nice to connect with other Tumblr users! :)
7 responses
@kyuheart (157)
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
Hello! i also have a tumblr blog but its mostly about animes and mangas so I will not post my account here. But anyway, its nice to know that you also have one! =)
• United States
1 Jun 12
That's cool, I like anime too :)
@kyuheart (157)
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
really? then here's my blog..
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jun 12
Cool, Thanks :)
• United States
15 May 12
Followed you guys (: I have one, it's filled with supernatural, doctor who and clothes. So, sorry in advance. You don't have to follow back haha. (:
1 person likes this
• United States
16 May 12
I would like to follow you too! What is your url?
• United States
16 May 12
Found you :)
@drannhh (15219)
• United States
13 May 12
Never heard of it. Good luck with your blogging. It is fun. Sometimes we get busy and don't feel like posting anything...but people who blog about things they enjoy will be more motivated than those who only want to try to make money.
1 person likes this
• United States
13 May 12
You should check it out its a fun little community of bloggers. I agree people who enjoy blogging are much more motivated to blog than those blogging to make money.
@dawnald (85148)
• Shingle Springs, California
4 Mar 13
My daughter is very into tumblr. Personally, I couldn't get into it, and I think she's quite happy that I couldn't. :D
13 May 12
My tumblr blog is
1 person likes this
• United States
13 May 12
Cool Thanks, I'll follow you mine is
1 Jun 12
I also have a tumblr blog and I found it awesome. Please follow me thankyou :)
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jun 12
I am following you now :)
• Philippines
23 Nov 12
:) I have a tumblr account check it out! :D