When i will received?

May 13, 2012 6:34am CST
My earnings yesterday from my lot, hope I can earn hundreds of bucks here. And at the same Time learn new things. :)
1 response
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
13 May 12
Earnings are normally updated between 9am and 11am, MyLot time (as shown at the bottom of the page), for the previous day's participation earnings. You will earn for everything which you post which is of sufficient quality and is in accordance with the Guidelines. You will not earn for anything which is deleted because of a guideline violation, so it is ESSENTIAL to read and understand the Guidelines. You can also earn by doing Tasks, adding relevant, non-copyright images to illustrate your discussions and Interests and by using the Search facility in the normal way. All of the information you will need to know is in the FAQs. Look particularly at the "Earnings" section for useful tips on increasing your earnings.