Help with a "writing" website

United States
May 17, 2012 9:10am CST
I am thinking about setting up a website to try and find some more clients to write for. I use textbroker and iwriter and do pretty well at it. I also have about 3 or so clients that I write for directly. I like working directly with the client and not having to go through all the hoops and stuff like the other sites. I have plenty of website space and am thinking about setting up a simple site to see if I can get a few more clients to work with directly. I have not taken this approach before. What should be icluded on the site? And how should I set it all up? I'll be using weebly because I have a premium account with them and can have up to 10 websites. Any suggestions?
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3 responses
• United States
18 May 12
Hi, that's a really good idea to set up your own website about writing and get a client through it. I have never done this before but as I am reading your post something is working in my mind, some ideas that might help to set up your website. Since you already have some some website all you need to do is to develop them. Write something about yourself and even put your portfolio in the content. Then, maybe you can put a copy of the works you did to your client and if you are still in contact with some of them ask them a favor to make a comment or good feedback in your site about the work you did. Also, don't forget to monetize and promote your site anywhere and make it known to everybody. Hope it helps. God bless...
2 people like this
• United States
18 May 12
Thanks for the input. I think my clients would not mind helping me out a little bit. I also have plenty of work that I can use to build a portfolio for display. I am working on the guidelines now too. Thanks so much for your thoughts!
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@bagarad (14283)
• Paso Robles, California
18 May 12
I'm also working on a couple of new Weebly sites, and I just got a premium account, but my sites are to basically link about to articles I've written on other sites, sell Zazzle products, and the second one is for selling ebooks. I've never done the sort of site you're talking about, but you would surely want your qualifications and experience on it, as well as links to what you've done for clients if it's posted on line anywhere.
1 person likes this
18 May 12
hi bagarad. just wanted to ask how did you set up your site selling ebooks?
• United States
18 May 12
Well, all of that sounds very interesting. I just finished setting up one of my sites I get with weebly premium. It's a leadership training program and I got a pretty decent response today.. there's just not too much call for the types of things I like to do. Thanks for all your input!!
@SaifuMak (61)
• India
1 Jun 12
Having your own website is a good idea. You can include samples, previous work experience etc. Also don't forget to tell about your writing background.
1 person likes this
• United States
2 Jun 12
Thank you for your input. I am not too sure if that's the route i want to take yet or not.. I am too busy with the clients I have - I would have to hire extra writers if I take on any more clients!lol