Which softwares should i use?

May 18, 2012 3:48am CST
Hey guys.I have got some files in lit format and epub format.DO any of you know how to open such files?
4 responses
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
18 May 12
.lit is the file format used by the Microsoft e-reader program to read ebooks. The .epub format is an open standard for e-books created by the International Digital Publishing Forum (IDPF). Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application "developed by users of e-books for users of e-books". It cannot (as far as I can see) directly read .LIT format but it has a built in converter which makes it easy to convert such files to another format. Get it here: http://calibre-ebook.com/download
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
18 May 12
On reading the FAQs further, I find that Calibre does claim that it can open .LIT format. It looks to be your ideal solution.
• India
19 May 12
Thanks for your help.I really appreciate it.
• Philippines
19 May 12
Oops..I forgot that I read ebooks in my mobile phone not in the computer, I haven't check the software yet 'coz I'm not in need of an ebook converter this time, and I don't know if it'll have features for mobile use as well. I guess I'm gonna stick with mjbook to make ebooks for a while, when I'm done procrastinating I guess. ^^
• Philippines
18 May 12
I've read ebooks in .lit file before, you have to download the Microsoft reader to be able to open those files. It's free anyway, and it's not too troublesome to download it because it's just a light file. But I'm not using it anymore, because I just use a converter to convert the files into .pdf, .txt or other document files. I don't need a software to convert it too, you might like to visit www.convertfiles.com for future circumstances. ^^
@owlwings (43915)
• Cambridge, England
18 May 12
Calibre is the single program which will do all the conversion necessary and is a good e-book reader as well. It can also CREATE e-books in many formats.
• India
19 May 12
yea i saw calibre. If it really works i will download it.
• Philippines
19 May 12
@owlwings Wow, never heard of that before. I should grab a copy for myself. A darn good package that is really to my liking! Thanks for informing me. :D
• India
18 May 12
Microsoft reader is the software which can help you. You can use this software to open lit format. I think it is free in some sites.
• India
19 May 12
I know it will be free in some sites.I would have been better if you had specified which sites.
• United States
18 May 12
you probably have to install a special kind of reader through Microsoft you could type in lit reader on a browser and find a free one to download, it will then let you view such files. i hope this was helpful.
• India
19 May 12
Yea it was reeeally helpful. You think that i didn't try doing it? I got some softwares that didn't work well.That is why i am asking here.