Jobcentre/DWP Ruining My Life

@android (895)
May 19, 2012 10:19am CST
After recently being made homeless and sleeping rough on the streets for an entire month, I managed to find shared accommodation which I privately rented. However, no housing benefit has been paid yet after two months of living there. Whilst I was homeless my benefits were stopped the entire time and I had no income. Now I owe my landlord almost £500 in rent but my claim for housing benefit can't go ahead because Jobcentre have just stopped my benefits again for reasons unknown to me. I have no food and have bills to pay and if my rent doesn't get paid then I'm going to be made homeless again with no income only this time I'll have £500 debt. Why are they doing this to me??
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3 responses
@roberten (3128)
• United States
21 May 12
Your story is not rare these days, so many are in the same boat. I do not know why this is happening to you, but I sincerely hope things will be better soon. Keep working online as much as you can so that you will be paid something at the end of the month. Don't give up, you are never defeated until you give up.
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@android (895)
13 Jul 12
Thank you. Things are a little better now. However, at the moment there's nothing stopping the same thing from happening again unfortunately.
@maximax8 (31046)
• United Kingdom
19 May 12
You should contact your job center and make an urgent meeting. You desperately need Job Seekers Allowance. You should phone up a benefits helpline and claim for housing benefit immediately. I hope that your landlord is understanding and will give you time to pay the £500 debt. They are being very mean to you because they are not very efficient. Good luck.
@android (895)
19 May 12
I have been claiming Jobseeker's Allowance but after just three payments they have decided to stop paying me and I don't know why. I can't contact them now until after the weekend but I expect if they've stopped my benefits then they will just refuse to pay me. They left me homeless with no income for a month very recently, they couldn't care less about doing it again.
@KrauseHome (36448)
• United States
14 Sep 12
Personally I think many times no matter where you live, nothing really makes sense. Too many times because someone does not have a place to live, or an Address they stop the benefits, and then again even when they do later they never want to pay up. It is a Sad society we live in, and somehow I wish something truly could change.