last movie you watched ?

May 21, 2012 12:26am CST
Which one was the last movie you watched? Do you like it? Yesterday i watched 10 000 BC and it's nice. :)
2 responses
• India
21 May 12
It is really hard to remember for me because very often I watch movie. But hopefully that was "Baise Sraban" a bengali movie directed by Srijit Ghosh. It wasa detective type film and it was the awesome movie. and impress me lot their camera man. Reason there had some awesome work by camera and photography. Nice to meet you.
21 May 12
Great!! I can't wait to watch it. Sound interesting. Nice to meet you too. :)
@aritahime (221)
• Indonesia
21 May 12
The last movie I watched is a Korean movie entitled "I Am Happy". I watch this in 3 sessions. The first one, I almost fell asleep on the first 15 minutes of the movie, and I ended up shutting down my laptop and got some sleep. The second one, I watched it for a few minutes and then decided to play games instead. The third one, I watched the rest of the movie without knowing what exactly the movie was all about.
21 May 12
Oh man.. I think i don't watch this movie yet, but after your word i will never going to watch the movie. :D Thnaks.