Multi-tasking at work

@shylade (3132)
May 21, 2012 2:31am CST
I am having a busy Monday. I am here at work doing multi-tasking. I am doing my reports while mylotting and editing my blog template. I have to make over my blog template because I can’t make the pages appear. They were lost when I try to add a new page on it. I try a saved html template (which I think is my latest template) but it won’t work so I have no choice. Fortunately, I have Artisteer software so I can make a new template for my blog. Adding to my stressful Monday is the slow internet connection. I wish I can just do all these in a click. Hopefully this new template will work well. Are you also into multi-tasking? How far can you go?
7 responses
21 May 12
i have a full time job and i'm still in college so i have to go to work in the morning from 8.30 to 6.00 and after i still have to go to college from about 6.30-9.30, not only that, even after i go home, i have to do some part time job from home which is doing some translation from english to indonesia and vice versa, lots of things to do, some time i feel very stressful hoping i can finished my college as soon as possible, but i get stuck in the thesis for almost more than a year, 1 month ago i almost finish my thesis, but suddenly the lecture that i need to meet to suddenly passed away and now i have to wait for already 2 weeks just to getting the decision about who will be my subtitute lecture, about my translation is i have to do for about 20 pages to translate less than a week and in my job one of my friend who supposed to be one team with me (we're only two in one team) has been fired this evening so i have to do her and my job both. a little bit stressed but what to do? still i have to done all of that, so be tough, sure we can survive! :D
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
22 May 12
wow you are a multitasker as well. I never complain about doing this because these are all blessings. This means I am earning money though I am not abusing myself because health is more important than money. Happy multitasking!
22 May 12
happy multitasking too my friend!! :D
22 May 12
I actually lost my mind sometimes. I forgot that i still have to finish something more important than to the thing that I presently doing. So what i did, I just take a long breath and focus.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
22 May 12
You can write down To Do List, then mark each when done. You can write down your thoughts we you have a short span memory like, hehe. Thanks for the response.
@cutepenguin (6431)
• Canada
21 May 12
I do a lot of multitasking but I try not to because I find that i get easily distracted and then I will later find that I only half-finished something but I thought I had finished.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
22 May 12
Oh well, you need to list down what to do then check each once finished. That is the best way I can do so that I can keep track. Thanks for the response!
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
21 May 12
I think that multi-tasking is one of those skills that are almost essential due to the fact of how things are in this day and age. There are just going to be a lot of times where there seem to be about three or four different things to do, and people want them done yesterday, so that can really add to the stress level, as they spring things on me. Of course, time management is something that we also know it is important, and obviously it is a juggling act. There are just many times where the odds is quite frankly really, really against us more often than not. However, I do try and balance my life about as well as can be expected. There are just times however where everything turns right into a really muddled mangled mess as we try and do more than we can handle.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
22 May 12
Yes that's right. No matter how we try to be organize, we can't avoid those times of being messed up. Thanks for the response and happy multitasking!
@swapmind (355)
• Australia
21 May 12
multi-tasking sometimes turns superb and sometime just a debacle. But either way it makes us more efficient.At times it is a finger in every pie and the other instance the master of all.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
22 May 12
True. It is hard but it is fun, Lol! Thanks for the response and happy multitasking!
@suni51 (3429)
• India
21 May 12
Yes I think the main hurdle in between a good multi-tasker and a depressed one is speed of the internet service. I know this is almost necessary to do different thing at the same time if you have to keep pace with your offline job and online job together. Many people can not do this.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
22 May 12
You are right and it's driving me insane, haha. Anyway, today is another day and I have tons of work to do. Thanks for the response.
@GemmaR (8517)
21 May 12
I am a freelance writer from home, and this means that I am always having to multitask during the course of a day. One of the reasons for this is because I have so many different jobs coming from various places, and I have to be certain that I can keep up with them all, otherwise the chances are that I'm going to just be left behind. I also have to be keeping a check on many different websites at the same time, otherwise I might lose track of which work I still need to complete. I think that I am doing rather well in my job and I hope that I am going to be able to keep myself afloat by multitasking in the future.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
21 May 12
Wow that is great! You are working at home and that what is my dreaming for. That is why I am into blogging and now in online selling. Hopefully I can do good on both and on my work. I know someday I have to give up one and I always believe in God's plan. Thanks for the response.