
May 23, 2012 8:05pm CST
Just underwent an important examination and i have succeeded .My family member and friends were happy for me . My endeavor obtains the repayment . But now , i find myself getting lost in success. I cannot study hard like before. I do not have power to go on . I really really felt upset .
1 response
• Philippines
24 May 12
hello. you might want to read some self-help books on motivation, college life, or something that can motivate a student to make their lives become exciting while in school. i have encountered the same problem before. then i bought a motivational book that had brought back my interest and focus in studying. it's up to you my friend. good luck and i hope you get back on track.
• China
27 May 12
thank u very much , good friend . its very kind of u . u suggestions are useful. now , i am traveling with my good friends ,to do sth that i really want to do . i believe i will get back on track and good luck with u .