Would you be lost without a gps system?

United States
May 27, 2012 8:12am CST
I'm always getting lost. It seems even when we print directions some how the directions give us some wrong information. That makes my husband so upset as there really isn't any other way to get directions but from online when we are going to some unfamiliar area. So I've decided that sometime soon I will be getting a gps system and I hope that this will help us. Does your gps system get you where you need to go without any problems?
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17 responses
@TrvlArrngr (4045)
• United States
27 May 12
Yes, I would be lost without my GPS. lol. It really helps me get places fast without wasting time getting lost.
1 person likes this
• United States
27 May 12
Does work well when you are traveling to a different state. I want to get one before our family trip this summer.We will be traveling through two states and then we have to travel a lot while we are there two. So I'm hoping that it will work great.
• United States
27 May 12
I meant to ask Does it work well when you are traveling to a different state?
@sacmom (14192)
• United States
7 Jun 12
No, I don't think I would be lost without a GPS system. I've been able to find unfamiliar places without it. I'll admit, it's nice to have one, but it doesn't always get you where you want to go. At least not the one I have. Sometimes the darn thing leads me around in circles! LOL But even when it gets it wrong it still gets me close enough to figure it out on my own. Happy mylotting!
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• United States
21 Jun 12
Glad to hear that you are able to find the places you need to without it. That really makes a big difference. We just recently received ours and we have been able to use it around our area. We will be going out of town in a few weeks and I hope that it will do a fabulous job getting us where we need to go. But like you said if it gets us really close we will be happy with that as well.
@anne25penn (3305)
• Philippines
28 May 12
I only use the GPS on my phone when my friends and I are trying to look for an alternative route when we go out. But most of the time I don't use it because I don't drive. I'd probably use one if I were in another country where it would be impossible for me to get from one point to another. But here in my country I am fine without using a GPS.
1 person likes this
• United States
21 Jun 12
I'm glad to hear that you are able to get around well without one. I just recently received ours and used it for the first time the other day. I have fallen in love with it. I feel so much more relaxed for our trip knowing that we will not have to worry about getting lost. As most of our plans for our trip is set for appointed times we can't afford to get lost.
@youless (112466)
• Guangzhou, China
28 May 12
It seems we are so much alike. It is easy for me to get lost. I can't recognize the direction very well. It is my weak point. Today due to the advanced tools, I installed a GPS software in my mobile phone and tablet. It is very helpful. Especially it takes a very short time for my tablet to find the GPS signal. I love China
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• United States
16 Jun 12
I'm glad that you were able to entail that on your phone and tablet. I'm sure that has been very helpful. I have recently received our gps and I'm hoping that we will be able to test it out tomorrow. I hope that it performs well. In a few weeks we will be going on vacation and I want it to work good.
@jazel_juan (15747)
• Philippines
28 May 12
A friend of mine who is in New Zealand says he does not rely on GPS that much because it is not updated at all i really do not know how gps works but here in the Philippines, very few people even use it at all..or none even i think.
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• United States
21 Jun 12
I hope that it is relatively easy to get around in the Philippines. I just recently was able to use our gps that I ordered. I have fallen in love with it. I can't wait to use it for our trip. I feel more relaxed going out of town knowing that we will have our gps.
@Nikhabele (166)
• South Africa
28 May 12
No I don't get lost but in fact I think gps gives me unnecessarily long routes. So if I'm in the area that I know even though I don't know the place I'm going to, I follow the road signs, if Im in the area I don't know then it's the most wonderful thing, obviously:)
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• United States
16 Jun 12
I'm glad that you do know your way around well. I just received our gps not that long ago and I'm hoping that we will be able to test it out tomorrow. I think it will be especially helpful when we travel out of town. We are planning on going on vacation in a few weeks and I hope that it will help our vacation be stress free from getting lost.
@palonghorn (5479)
• United States
28 May 12
When I need directions, or am taking a different route on a trip, I check mapquest and/or a map. I don't even use a gps. I have known how to read maps since I was young, and once I've been somewhere, I am great at remembering landmarks to look for where I need to turn, etc. I'm not sure what website you are using, but mapquest and randmcnally are both good and dependable.
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@GemmaR (8517)
27 May 12
I don't think that I would be able to find my way to many places if I didn't have my GPS to be able to rely on. I think that it is a fantastic invention, as it means that there is no need for people to feel as though they can't drive anywhere just because they're not familiar with the area. Plus it makes journey times faster because people don't have to keep stopping to read the map, as the GPS just does everything for you and tells you when to turn, and sometimes even which lane you need to be in if you look at the right one!
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• United States
27 May 12
I hope that I'm able to get a good one. What type do you have. As I'm hoping to go out of town this summer with my husband. I'm trying to plan a surprise trip so I can't ask him for help.We will be traveling across two states and I hope that the gps I get will not let me down. It would be awful not to get where we need too. As most of the plans I have for this trip we have to be at each event at a particular time. So I really can't afford to get lost because we will be in a different state and not know where we are.
@megamatt (14292)
• United States
27 May 12
Not really but I know many people who if you had took away their GPS, it would be like taking away their right arm. Then again, with a lot of people, they would find themselves getting lost with their GPS as well as without their GPS system. So really it is just something that really does depend on the person and their sense of direction. Of course, it is just an invention that I really had little to no use of. But perhaps that is really just me to say the very least. The experiences of pretty much everyone is going to really vary more or less as they would be lost without their GPS. Yet, it is really just something that will have more use for some people than it will have with others.
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• United States
28 May 12
I hope I will be like the first and not the later. As I seem to get lost often when we go out of town. I'm hoping though that this will not be the case when we go out of town this year when I get a gps. I'm glad to hear that you really don't need it. I hope that it will benefit me and that I can put it to good use.
@thesids (22180)
• Bhubaneswar, India
27 May 12
Hi Dominique I am still an ancient guy and believe more in the hand held maps when at a new place. The technology in Indian cities is good but not that great in inner and remote areas. Even the cell phone networks fail so relying on GPRS only is useless and much unadvisable
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• United States
28 May 12
I'm glad that you use maps. Whenever we use maps it often misguides us to the place we want to go. Which is really frustrating when you are in a new area. I'm hoping that this summer when I get a gps that it will direct us to where we need to go.
• Philippines
27 May 12
Hello Dominique25, I have a bad sense of direction and a gps system has always been helpful. It helps me get to where I need to be especially when I am traveling to unfamiliar places.
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• United States
28 May 12
I'm the same way. I get so frustrated when I have to travel because I know that I will more than likely get lost. And being lost is not fun when you are in a different area. I'm hoping that when I get my gps I will be happy with the results I find.
• Philippines
28 May 12
Nah, not needing GPS system since it's kinda expensive here in our country. Marking of identifiable landmarks and knowing the road and politely asking some folks is our key to get to our destination without any problems. Considering your situation, probably getting one, or studying a printed map would do.
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• United States
16 Jun 12
Sorry to hear that in your area they are expensive. I'm glad though that you are able to get around though without any trouble. I recently bought one and I hope to to try and use it tomorrow to see how well it works. I hope that I'm happy with it. We are going on a trip out of state and having a gps I hope will prevent us from getting lost and the stress that goes along with that.
@nikki3 (172)
• United States
27 May 12
yes i would b lost without my GPS. We just moved to a new state. Being That i am in a new state I do not know where anything is at all. I charge my GPS as soon as I know I need to go some where taking my GPS with me everytime I go out the door. When I was in the old state that I lived in before we moved I was like well time to buy a GPS. LOL
1 person likes this
• United States
27 May 12
I'm glad to hear that your gps works well. What type do you have? I'm often paranoid that if I buy one that it will not get me where I need to go when I'm on long trips like for family vacations. I definitely don't want to be in another state and get lost. That would be awful.
• United States
27 May 12
i dont use the GPS system and i think i was proven why a couple of weeks ago..as long as we were on the highway..everything was as planned..but when we were trying to get to the particular place, we were all out of wack..on issue was it took us down a road that had boulders in the way..the street that the hotel was on, it was right off the interstate, and the gps never told us to turn..and the killer was...we were in the parking lot of the address we were going to..and the dang thing told us to make a u turn! Really..lol
• United States
27 May 12
yeah things like that I'm worried about. I guess either way if you print directions or you use a gps you should be prepared to get lost or turned around. That is so awful. It is very hard to travel that way.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
27 May 12
I have been traveling almost all over our country. But I never use the GPS. Most of my travel I ride a plane and upon arrival, I take a cab, or a bus. So I really do not worry since the cab driver usually is familiar with places. As for the bus, they usually transverse from terminal to terminal and all I have to do is get off on a specific terminal which is usually in a city area or municipal arrea. From there, the taxi is the next thing I can depend on.
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• United States
28 May 12
That is awesome that you travel so much and that you don't have to use a gps. I wish that I was able to do that. Whenever I try to be confident about us going somewhere I'm often disappointed because we end up lost even with directions. As the directions often roads that aren't there. I wish that I could take a public transportation when we go on vacation. As it just gets rid of all the anxiety associated with traveling and being afraid of getting lost. It's just too frustrating and it makes traveling not fun although I want to enjoy it.
@WakeUpKitty (8694)
• Netherlands
27 May 12
I won't be more lost (if I get lost) as with a gps system. Fact is the system is seldom working great (no connection) so there are plenty of spots it will keep saying: get back, turn, go lef, go right, no left, no right. I do find it comfortable if I drive a longer way (over 1000 km's or so) or at certain points (no highway etc). I seldom use it the whole way just when I am in need or there is road blocked or so.. but I still have doubts about the "shortest" or "fastest" road there are many time it takes hours more if I use that suggested road. I agree with you that those printed directions are seldom showing you the best way either.. and many seem to think you already know the road at the point you leave.
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• United States
28 May 12
Yeah we have become more and more frustrated with printing directions. Because it has happened to us twice when we have printed directions to a different area and we got lost because it told us to go north instead of south, and the most current directions the road we were suppose to be on wasn't what it said it was. It can get pretty crazy. That is why I'm nervous about going out of town this summer without a gps.
21 Jun 12
there is no gps system in india.. Still i never lost my way :D