
@roshigo58 (4859)
Pune, India
May 31, 2012 11:07am CST
hi, I was doing some general cleanings at home and i do like it. There is a general opinion that these are the women's job. Why it is so? I think we too should share in this work. I do help to my wife in her work. For other home works we have hired one lady but these cleaning jobs are done only by myself and my wife together. There are two benefits of doing so. Wife feels better that somebody is caring, helping her and the cleaning is as per our satisfaction. Do you agree with me?
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14 responses
@lady1993 (27225)
• Philippines
29 Jun 12
I also think cleaning should be done by all.. it may be a bit tiring at times, but it is not nice to live in a house that is dirty.. and the mother cannot do everything by herself, so the husband and children should share the task.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
4 Jul 12
hi, thanks for the response.
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
hai yes, when i'm visiting my sister's house i'm the one who will clean the entire house and cooked food.I want them to feel my presence for a doesn't mean that our masculinity will lower if we will do some women's work, it means that we care for them.. Have a nice day
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
4 Jul 12
hi, Thanks for the response.
@kun2349 (23381)
• Singapore
1 Jun 12
Yes, housework should be shared by both husband and wife. Wife should not be left alone to do everything because it's really tiring. In the past, i dun really do cleaning at home but my mom would force us to do, to learn in order to earn our pocket money. Back then, i really dread housework when i could be playing with my friends. Until i started working part time during college, i have to do general cleaning when it's closing time, and that's the time i started to fall in love with cleaning. Slowly, it becomes a habit which i applied at home. To now, cleaning is something natural i will do everyday with no complains I'm sure my future wife would appreciate it when i volunteer to do all housework while she rest.. haha
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
2 Jul 12
hi, Your wife is very lucky for such a good husband. Thanks for the response.
@adforme (2114)
1 Jun 12
I agree. We all have to clean, and the thought of it as a woman's job is sexist. Both men and women need to learn how to clean in order to promote clean, sanitary, and orderly living conditions. If you get the idea Roshigo58, we are moving closer to a better world with respect to women. All it takes is for one to see people as human, capable of performing equally well. Whether it is cleaning, childcare, or race car driving.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
4 Jul 12
hi, Thanks a lot for the response. You are very right for your comments.
@shylade (3132)
• Philippines
1 Jun 12
Yes I agree with you. Cleaning should not only be done by the wife or women, men should also clean help their moms or wives. When you help them, they will really feel good. And if in the event that your wife or mom got sick, they will not worry about the chores.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
4 Jul 12
hi, thanks a lot for the response.
@tabatha7 (187)
1 Jun 12
I very much agree... especially in my case. I work, and hubby stays home with the family. He does a lot (but not all of) the housework. It helps me a lot & I am very grateful... because I've been in a couple of relationships in which my (now exes) refused to do anything at all... wouldn't work, wouldn't cook, or clean, or help with bills or anything... so for me, this is a tremendous improvement. It's good to see that someone else also helps his wife with housework. Maybe this will become a trend. Kudos to you! :)
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
4 Jul 12
hi, Thanks a lot for your response. Please be in touch and share.
@GemmaR (8517)
31 May 12
I think that the main reason that cleaning is seen to be the work of a woman is because we were always the ones who stayed at home to look after the children in the past, and it made sense for the man to go out and earn money while we took care of everything at home. But now that more women want to get a job than ever, times are changing, and this means that more men are having to step up and take care of things at home as well. I think that everything should be equal, but this is not the case in my relationship because my boyfriend is lazy and won't do any work around the house, or even get a job to go and earn us some money. So I have to do everything.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
2 Jul 12
Hi, It is good to help wife in the household work to make her happy. Thank you for the response.
• United States
31 May 12
I think it is great that you help your wife clean house. Randy helps me clean house even though he has trouble with his back and his foot. I never liked the idea where man thinks they do not have to help. I know when I have kids they will be helping around the house (both boys and girls). I want my daughters to realize that they are capable for doing so much more than cook and clean.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
2 Jul 12
Hi, My wife is suffering from muscular dystrophy. She has difficulty in walking but she alwyas try to work slowly as far as possible. So I help in the work.Thank you for the response.
• Italy
1 Jun 12
My boyfriend always helps me in home cleaning and sometimes he cooks too. Some men don't like it cause they feel "emasculated" (lol!!) but it's an idiot thought, I'm really proud of my boyfriend and i don't think he's less "man" than others.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
2 Jul 12
hi, thanks for the response. You are lucky to have such a boyfriend. Be in touch.
@louievill (28851)
• Philippines
31 May 12
Yes, everybody should be involved in cleanliness, I think the practice that men should do certain jobs only and women have their own is already obsolete and passe although some minority cultures still practice it, I think it was very rampant in Asia even until the 60's, thank God we now have equal rights and free to do what we want, yes it's also a way of helping a loved one without feeling ashamed, guilty and persecuted by society.
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
9 Jun 12
hi, Thanks a lot for good reply. I am very happy to know that at least there are some people of my way of thinking. Let everybody in this world should understand the same and should start applying the same. So that the life will be beautiful, beautiful and beautiful.
@Bluedoll (16774)
• Canada
4 Jul 12
What we are discussing is role playing. The question is what are we good at and/or enjoy doing? Some of the best fashion designers for woman clothes are men. Some of the best race car drivers are woman. Is that true? I don't know but it felt good writing it. The important thing I think is accomplishing something and having value for our work. Who actually does it is immaterial. However, is it also true that some things woman are better at generally speaking just as some things men are better at?
@bjc66bjc (6730)
• United States
31 May 12
hello roshigo, I totally agree with you..I think that way of thinking is there are still people who believe the same thing, but I thinks its really the past thing. When two people share the housework it makes home life so much better because its shared...neither one feels imposed upon...or taken for granted. Good luck to you and your wife.....
@roshigo58 (4859)
• Pune, India
2 Jul 12
Hi, Thank you for wish in good luck to us. thank you for the response.
@Bhebelen14 (5194)
• Philippines
4 Jul 12
I agree with you 100%. My husband and I both cleaning the house and helping each other in household chores to make it less tiring and faster. Before I do the laundry but now he preferred to send his laundry at the laundry shop so that we can have more time to enjoy each other during weekends.
@Chikezie (385)
• Malaysia
4 Jul 12
I do not agree that home cleaning is a woman's job. What a house that a woman is not living? In the house am living in now, we are 4 young men and no woman, we do the cleaning ourselves. I believe that so long as anybody is in the house, it is the responsibility of all in the house in be involved in the cleaning exercise. We make the woman feel more loved if you are together with in the all home work. Am not in support for leaving to the woman alone. All must and should share the duty