The power of saying sorry

sorry -
@dede28 (52)
June 5, 2012 12:28pm CST
Saying sorry is not something that comes easily to many people. I know I couldn't for a very long time. I was too self-righteous and arrogant to be able to apologise. I learned how behave like this from my mom, and then I met my match - a boyfriend who made me look at my own actions. :) Now I've learned that not only do we all make mistakes but what a magnificent gift it is to be able to admit them, and then apologise as well. You learn from experience that saying sorry increases people's respect for u, rather than diminishing it. S aying sorry is allowing yourself to be vulnerable, which is actually a sign of strength, not weakness.
2 responses
6 Jun 12
Well,saying sorry is not difficult for me,when i do something wrong i will say sorry to others,sorry sorry will make others respect you more,now as a mother,i will teach my son learn good manners,because a good mother is worth a hundren schoolmasters,children are what the mothers are~~
• United States
5 Jun 12
It is a sign of strength and being able to accept what you did... Saying sorry makes people respect you more also :) Like you said everyone makes mistakes. Those who own up to those mistakes and can apologize for what happened are forgiven a lot quicker than those that can't admit they are wrong