A place to get free refs for Mylot

@nerein (283)
United States
June 7, 2012 9:34pm CST
Hello I have been writing on Mylot for a while. I have been writing, although I need to start writing more. One thing that has been annoying me is that people keep asking me for ways to make money. I tell them about mylot and give them my ref link, but they never sign up. I know that one good way to make money is to have referals. What I was wondering was is there a place online where you can go to get free refs for mylot. I know that I will have to sign up for something, but that is okay.
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6 responses
@McCreeper (777)
• United States
8 Jun 12
I don't think there would be a site that would automatically "Give someone free referrals", as that would let people make a ton of money easily through other companies' affiliate programs. Try to be persistent with having people sign-up. Ask them whether they have signed up for MyLot, and show an example of how much money you have made from it. I haven't made much money from MyLot, but I've had experiences like this on different sites that let me exceed my referrals to a whole new level. Hope this helps.
2 people like this
• United States
8 Jun 12
How did you find out about mylot? Maybe that might hep or might not. I found out of mylot through a blog. Creating a blog gets indexed in search engines. Maybe that might help.
2 people like this
• United States
8 Jun 12
I haven't had any luck getting referrals. The people that I have told to sign up for mylot have went straight to the sight and don't put me down as the referral, or they don't go through the link that I send to them. They don't want someone making money off of them.
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• India
24 Aug 12
So, the best strategy is exchange of sites where both are benefited and both have to perform for their own interests. Anyone willing to follow this path of exchange of sites is welcome to me.
@arcideaco (1257)
• Singapore
8 Jun 12
I have more than 100 of referrals I think. I lost track how many I have already. But I can safely say none, yes, not even a single one is active. I got those referrals from links I have embedded within my written articles that I have published in writing sites and blogs, etc. I think it is hard to get people to participate here. Its quite labor intensive. Even I come here once a blue moon. Cheers.
1 person likes this
• India
23 Jun 12
Hello nerein , by referring our friends to mylot we can earn the 25% of our referrals earning. There are many ways to get the referrals. The best one is to post your referral link in your facebook and twitter accounts. Another way is by creating tasks. But, you need pay some money if you are going with tasks . There are many sites which allows us to create the tasks.
@carben44 (322)
10 Jun 12
I didn't even realise I could refer anybody here lol. Thanks for that.
• India
12 Jun 12
Yes, one can make huge money with lot of referals only. There is no site to get free referals to mylot. Place your referal link on social networking websites like facebook, twitter. If you have a own blog or website, Then you can get referals to mylot by putting your referal link.
• India
24 Aug 12
Would social networking websites like facebook, twitter allow one to put one's referal link on them? Would you kindly explain how and where to place referal link on them?