It's always a nice feeling

June 7, 2012 9:34pm CST
I was sick for a while that is why I have not visited myLot for the past few days now. Excessive hours of working has taken its toll on me through stress related sickness. Good thing that I am already well but I still need some rest otherwise I might suffer from fever again. I've been working hard because I want to earn money so that I can buy new laptop. Good heavens I wasn't aware that I was already neglecting my health. Anyway, after days spent on my bed, it is a nice feeling to be able to log in here again and participate in some discussions. I miss myLot community seriously! I hope everything is well with all my friends here
5 responses
@PageTurner (2825)
• United States
8 Jun 12
Hello ladyhemingway It is unfortunate that you have not been feeling the well, but it is good that you are now feeling better. We must to take care of our healths and the rest is of the utmost of the important to do! Please do not overdo the myLot and get the fevers again. Do you get the high chills when you have the fevers?
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
Hello PageTurner , thank you for your concern I am feeling better now but I am still taking it slowly. I visit myLot if ever I am feeling okay and somehow it helps me relax. Fortunately I did not experienced high chills when I had fever, my doctor told me that I am just stressed and overworked so I just need to rest. Happy myLotting to you
1 person likes this
• United States
9 Jun 12
I hope that you get the rest that you need.
• China
8 Jun 12
i am sorry to hear that u r sick . taking care of u healthy
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
Thank you for your concern yejianzhou And have a great myLot experience to you
@dpk262006 (58676)
• Delhi, India
11 Jun 12
Hope you get better soon and you could earn lots and lots of money to buy yourself a laptop. All the best.
@jricky1 (6800)
• China
11 Jun 12
Hi,friends.So glad you are back and i believe that you will feel better even enjoy being here at,i wish to spend more time here in a day and enjoy making friends and money at mylot.That's why i'm loving to stay. Have a great time.
8 Jun 12
Very nice feeling. I also think like that. I am sure the activities such as work, including sharing with friends on myLot it can help to support health. I believe, positive thinking, and doing useful things can support our health.
• Philippines
9 Jun 12
Hello Backhome21096, I believe in positive thinking. I believe that it can do wonders to one's physical state and the over all wholeness And yes, myLot has been very helpful in my relaxation because although I am still stuck in my room, I feel that i can still with my friends here. Have a great day to you